Peters a dad!?

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Peter is 22 in this

The avengers and peter were all in a meeting. A very boring meeting. As Steve was going on and on about safety and stuff peter got a call. He looked at the caller Id and it said unknown

Everyone looked over at him as he said "I'm sorry but I got to take this"

He answered the call

"Hello is this Peter Parker?"

"Yes this is he" peter said

"This is Emily's principal, it seems she has come down with the flu and I believe it would be wise for her to go home."

"Oh! I will be there right away!" He said into the phone and then hung up.

As he put on his mask he looked at Steve and said "sorry Cap I got to go!"

As he was about to jump out the window he heard Cap say "whenever your done dealing with whatever is so much more important then this meeting you better come back to the meeting! You got it?"

"Sure Cap" peter said a little angry

Peters daughter was only in preschool. She was 3 and peters world. He'd do anything for her. As he got closer to the school he landed and quickly changed and fixed his hair

He walked into the school and went to the front desk

"Hi I'm looking for my daughter Emily Parker" he said

" Ahh Mr. Parker follow me" the receptionist said getting up from her chair and leading him to a room.

Sure enough there was his daughter looking miserable

"Hey princess were gonna go home ok?"

"Daddy" She said quietly

"Shhh baby let's go home" he said picking her up

He walked out the door and realized he couldn't swing home because she might get sick and there home was to far to walk to so he picked the only reasonable solution, he got out his phone and called tony because happy had the day off.

"Hey Mr.Stark" he said a little nervous

"Hey kid, Steve's pissed at you and it's tony."

"I know but I need a ride" peter stated

"Ok fine I'll come get you, where are you?

"Umm I'm by that cafe we always go to" peter said

"Ok I'll be there in 30 minutes"

30 minutes later

Tony's car rolled up but instead of it being a sports car it was a limo. He shrugged and got in with Emily. When he looked up he was startled by seeing all the avengers.

"Sorry kid they wanted to come" tony said

"It's alright" peter replied

He looked at all their faces and saw all of them staring at Emily.

"So I guess I should explain who this is", pointing to Emily, "she's my daughter, Emily, and she is sick so tony can you please take me to my house?" He said with a sigh

Wait your a dad, and she's so cute, and daughter? Were some of the responses he got but then Nat spoke up

"I'm her godmother" she said claiming the title

"Well technically you are and Clint's her godfather" peter said

And with that everyone started claiming title like grandpa and aunt and uncle

Hey guys sorry for not updating in a while. School just started for me and I've been a little busy. If you have any requests please comment!

Bye Little Cubs!

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