Army peter 5

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9 years ago (in the soul stone)
When every one was dusted they woke up in the soul stone. But most looked different than they did on earth. That's because it was their soul there not their body and so people appeared like what they looked like at their happiest.

For peter that was when he was 6, before his parents died.

Peter's pov
All he felt was agonizing pain as he woke up. It felt like little pieces of him were burning. He looked up and saw a man looking at him
"You ok kid?" He said with a Brooklyn accent.
"Ya" Peter replied in a sweet 6 year old voice (He has his memory of when he was six not his current one)
"What's your name kid?"
"Peter" he replied a little scared
"Where's my mommy and daddy?" Peter questioned
"I don't know kid, my names Bucky or James whatever you want to call me" Bucky replied
(Bucky looks like he did before he became hydra)

Over the next five years Bucky and peter grew close. Bucky was like a brother to peter and peter looked up to him. Bucky would comfort peter if he was upset or missed his parents. Bucky called peter, bug, and sometimes doll or darling, and mostly kid. Peter called Bucky, bubby most of the time.

Present day

Peter woke up in his bed, not remembering how he got there. He didn't question it. He got up and got dressed remembering that Andrew(Andy) and Ray were video chatting him today. He went out to the kitchen at 7:30 am.
"Morning mom, dad, morgy"
"Morning pete" Tony and pepper replied
"Morning petey" Morgan replied running up and hugging him.
"What's for breakfast?" He wondered
"Waffles!" Morgan replied

He sat down and ate. At 7:45 Morgan left for school with pepper driving her there and then going to work. Tony had to go with pepper for some meetings at si. So peter was alone.
Peter decided he would do the video call with Andy and ray now.
He clicked on their contacts and requested a call. He immediately was answered.
"Petey!!!" He heats the excited voices that could only belong to Andy and ray.
"Hey Guys!!! How are you?"peter questioned
"We're good but we have some news" Andy said
"So you left someone behind when you left the base and she decided to not do her job without you." Ray said
"And who is she" peter teased already knowing the answer
"Oh I don't know but I do know she's on the way to your house and that she is under you custody." Andy responded
"Wait seriously!?" Peter replied shocked
"Seriously! Any who bye peter!"" They responded hanging up leaving peter with the information they'd given him.

Once peter processed the info he'd been given he couldn't wait!

Time skip brought to you by bob, bob says go to sleep.

"Hey kid so I have a meeting with the avengrs today and we are having it at the house. If you want suit up but you don't have too!" Tony informed peter
"I might suit up, when's the meeting?" Peter questioned
"7:30 pm" tony responded
"K I'll think about it."

Peter was pretty nervous. I mean he'd seen the avengers, when they were fighting thanos but he hadn't met most of them. He also hadn't worn the suit in a while. He looked down at it laying on his bed. Could he really wear it again?
Yes, he could do it!
He put it on.
"Hello peter" Karen's soothing voice said
"Hey Karen, long time no talk" peter replied.


"Ok now that everyone is here (except for peter) (everyone being bruce, Nat, Steve, Clint, Bucky, thor, Tony Of course, and T'chala) lets get started" tony said
Just than spiderman walked in
"Sorry I'm late!"
"It's alright spidey" Tony said with a smile
The avengers didn't question it to much especially since he was at the fight. Peter though kept looking at Bucky weirdly, like he knew him.

Time skip

"That ends are meeting any questions?" Tony said

"Ya just one, who is spidey over here?" Clint questioned
"Well do you want to tell them or not?" Tony questioned softly towards peter
"I.. guess" peter replied

Peter took a deep breath and then pulled his mask off.
There was multiple gasps
But the biggest one was from Bucky
"Hey Bubby" Peter said with a smile.

Hey Little cubs! I hope you like this chapter!

Bye Little Cubs!

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