Army Peter pt 6

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I dont own the song

"Oh kid, ive missed you so much" Bucky said while pulling peter into a hug.

They both stood there for a while, peter's head resting on buckys chest while buckys head rested on peters head. 

Bucky's pov

I couldnt believe it! Ever since we got out of the stone ive been searching for peter. I never could find him, and i want to know why. Because i searched everywhere and i didnt just search for children i searched adults and teens because he could have been a different age than he was in the soul stone. Like i was. 

General pov

"Kid where were you?" bucky said looking at him worriedly

"Oh, well... thats a kinda long story" peter said quietly.

For the rest of the night all the avengers were hanging out talking and cathcing up. Except for bucky who was still worried about peter. 

"Dad could bucky stay the night? i kinda need to talk to him." peter said while everyone was getting ready to leave.

"Sure bud as long as bucky is ok with staying here i wouldnt mind" tony replied

"Thanks dad" peter said as he pulled bucky by his arm into peters room.

Peter and Bucky sat down on the couch in his room. 

"So you probably want to know everything, huh?" peter said quietly

"Ya bud i do." bucky replied softly

"Well after hearing all your stories of you in the war i, as a six year old thought it would be cool to be in the army, and it kinda carried on into my actual life. So i joined the army and was shipped away for 4 years. I was half working with shield and half with the army. I did spidy things for shield and did normal things for the army." peter said, starting his story. he took a breathe and began again.

"I went through a lot bubby" peter said out of habit while tearing up. 

Peter told bucky everything, knowing it would be safe with bucky and knowing bucky might be able to make him feel safer.

Bucky's pov

It was a lot to take in. Everything that happened to peter. Everything that happened to that sweet kid who i still see as a six year old kid, with wonder in his eyes. Now all i see is pain in peter's eyes. I know he must have nightmares about what happened i would too. So i did the one thing i did when he was sad or upset in the soul stone. I sang. 

"You're better than the best
I'm lucky just to linger in your light
Cooler then the flip side of my pillow, that's right
Completely unaware
Nothing can compare to where you send me,
Lets me know that it's OK, yeah it's OK
And the moments where my good times start to fadeYou make me smile like the sun
Fall out of bed, sing like a bird
Dizzy in my head, spin like a record
Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold, buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Oh, you make me smileEven when you're gone
Somehow you come along
Just like a flower poking through the sidewalk crack and just like that
You steal away the rain and just like thatYou make me smile like the sun
Fall out of bed, sing like a bird
Dizzy in my head, spin like a record
Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold, buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Oh, you make me smileDon't know how I lived without you
Cause every time that I get around ya
I see the best of me inside your eyes
You make me smile
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold, buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wildYou make me smile like the sun
Fall out of bed, sing like a bird
Dizzy in my head, spin like a record
Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold, buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Oh, you make me smile
Oh, you make me smile
Oh, you make me smile"

I sang to peter while hugging him as he cried. When he stopped crying i continued singing.

"Bug its ok. Im here let it all out." i said trying to comfort him the best i could.

When he finally fell asleep i moved him onto his bed and then i went to the couch and slept. 

Time skip 

It was worse than i thought. i had to wake peter up multiple times from his sleep because he was either crying. mumbling, or screaming. Every time i would gently wake him up, make sure i was safe in case he would attack and resing songs until he fell asleep again. 

By morning i couldn't believe tony or pepper hadnt heard him and come running in his room to comfort him. How long had peter been suffering alone?

Hey Little Cubs! this chapter is a little short and i am hoping to post again soon. School just finished so i should have a lot more free time. If you have any suggestions or requests comment them! i might be making this story into a seperate book so look out for that! 

Bye Little Cubs!!!

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