Hp crossover!!!

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Takes place in 7th year, Deathly Hallows pt 1 and 2, i havent read the books YET but i am going to soon ive only seen the movies so I'm sorry if some of this is incorrect! I know the timelines dont exactly match up so lets just pretend they do!

I dont own Harry potter!

Everyone knew something was different about peter. He'd dissapear randomly for weeks or say he had a family emergency, but did he have any family????

But for peter who's actual name was Sirius Marauder Potter, he had one family member that he cared about more then anything, Harry Potter. Peter was 3 years older than harry. When Voldemort attacked Sirius (peter) was sleeping in the same room harry was. Sirius grew up with harry at the dursleys until he graduated hogwarts early. So once Sirius completed his 5th year harry had finished his second year. Sirius and Harry were inseperable during the two years of hogwarts they had together. So instead of the the golden trio they were nicknamed the miny marauders. (Sirius (peter) had found the map instead of the twins) Of course once Sirius graduated and didnt see harry as much, even thought they would always be the miny marauders, Hermione, Ron, and Harry were the golden trio.

Once Sirius graduated he was sent to america to deal with some wizards who were out of control. Sirius liked it there in New York but he knew if he wanted to stay he'd have to stop using his magic until he was 17 just so they couldn't track him that way and he changed his name. He change it to peter in honor of peter pettigrew unknowing that he was a traitor. Peter was then bitten by a radioactive spider and decided if he couldnt use magic to help save the world yet he'd use his spider powers. Of course once he became 17 he'd use magic for simple things or brew potions for healing in secret. Peter had left new york a couple of times, a few times to go visit Sirius black, To be there for harry after year 4, he fought with dumbledores army in the ministry of magic and saw his and harry's godfather die, he grieved with harry that summer, and a few times for the order of the pheonix meatings because he was part of the order. Which brings us to the present.

Peter's pov

Peter had just recieved news that Dumbledore had been killed by Severus Snape. Which ment another trip down to Grimmauld Place.

He walked into the living room of the avengers tower and plopped down between tony and loki. His head in tonys lap and feet in loki's (endgame didnt happen bc screw it) (also just to clarify peter is 20)

"Tony theres a bit of a family emergency and im not sure how long im going to be gone" peter told him

Tony sighed "i understand Peter, but when are we going to meet this family that always has emergencys?"

"i dont know maybe after this but i dont really know" Peter responded

"Im leaving tomorrow" peter added

"ok bub just make sure you tell capsicle or he'll be pissed at you" tony said

Peter then left the next day not knowing he wouldnt see the avengers for another year and a half.

Sirius (peter) was back with the golden trio for the search of the horcruxes making them the miny marauders again. He and Harry both saw the memorys from Snape.

"On the night Voldemort went to godrics hallow to kill harry, and lilly potter cast herself between them the curse rebounded when that happened a part of voldemort soul latched itself onto the only living things it could find, Harry and Sirious. There's a reason the boys can speak with snakes, there's a reason they can look into voldemorts mind, a part of voldemort lives inside them."

"So when the time comes, the boys must die?"

"yes, they must die"

"you kept them alive so they could die at the proper moment."

"you've raised them like pigs for slaughter"

"dont tell me now you've grown to care for the boys"

"Lilly? after all this time?"


"so when the time comes the boys must die?"

"yes, they must die and voldemort himself must do it, it is essential"

and so they did. The boys died at the hands of voldemort. But it did not last as they came back and fought voldemort. In the end killing him.

When the war was over Sirius and Harry could be together again, happily.

Ginny and harry got together again.

"so, where do we go know?" harry asked arms around ginny, surounded by hermione, ron, and sirius. They were all covered in dirt and blood

"i think i know a place" sirius responded

Hi little cubs! I really loved this chapter and i hope you do too! i might make a part 2, introducing everyone to the avengers and a bunch of fluff! The scene in this has got to be one of my favorite scenes, i dont know why but the whole "the boy must die" is just so powerful i guess idk i just really like it. i wont be updating this week until the end of it, do to a five day overnight camp.

Bye Little Cubs!!!

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