Peter has a little sister???

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Ok so I'm doing this story for fun so it might be messy. May is dead even tho I love her it's for the plot.

Peter has a secret that only he knows and well she does too but he has a little sister! But she's in his hometown London! Both Peter and her were raised there until their parents died. May and Ben took Peter in and maya lives at a boarding school.

Peter is protective of her btw and peters nicknames for her are princess, baby, and May. Maya nicknames for him or Pete and Petey

Anyways Peter texts her every morning and they video chat at night. Maya knows he's Spider-Man because she's his best friend.

Btw Peter lives at the avengers tower


Beep beep beep beep...
"Ugh" is all Peter thought. He opens his eyes and turns his alarm clock off. He gets dressed and grabs his phone and texts Maya quick

Peter: good morning princess! Remember you have that interview this afternoon for the spot on the mathletes! ( idk it's just the smart math team like the decathlon team but kinda different )

I texted her and then went on insta while walking into the kitchen

"Good morning peter" Steve said

"Good Morning Steve!" Peter responded while grabbing a plate of pancakes

"Kid go look around the labs and help out please. They are short on staff this morning" tony said

" ok Mr. Stark!" Peter responded

"Oh and leave your phone up here! We don't want it getting exploded again! And it's Tony!" Tony exclaimed

"Ok Mr. Stark." Peter sarcastically said

Peter put his phone on the counter and left to go to the labs

20 minutes later

"So keep your head up princess before your crown falls now these voices inyourhead will beyour downfall
I know it gets sohard but you don't got far to go" the song coming from a phone. ( this is keep your head up princess by anson seabra btw. Great artist btw)
"Will someone answer their phone!" Nat said

"Not mine" Clint said

"I think it's peters? And why does he have that song as a ringtone??" Tony said

"Well will someone hang it up??"  Nay exclaimed

" ya I will" Clint said

Clint grabbed Pete's phone to hang up when he saw the caller Id "Princess"

"Guys!! I think petey has a girlyfriend!" Clint said

" why would you think that?" Sam asked

"Because the Id of the person who called was "princess"!" Clint said

"Ooo sounds like petey has a girlfriend. We'll have to question him about her." Tony said

"Ding" came from Peter phone
The notification said
"Princess": Morning petey! I won't forget about the interview! Be careful spider-manning! I miss you!" Clint read

"She knows about Spider-Man?!? How long have they been together?" Tony exclaims!

"Idk we will just have to talk to peter" Nat says

When peters back

Peter walked into the common room and grabbed his phone to see one miss call from maya and a text

Peter smiled at the text and sent a quick reply
Peter: ok good luck! I'll try to be careful and I miss you too! Call me after the interview!

At dinner

"So peter.." tony started

Clint interrupted and said "do you have a girlyfriend?"

"What? No I d.." Peter was interrupted by his phone ringing with maya contact on the screen

"Excuse me" Peter said as he walked out the room

He answered it and said
(Normal is Peter bold is maya)
"Hey baby how was the interview?"

"It was good! I was super nervous but I think it went well!"

"That's great princess!"

"Did you work in the lab today petey?"

"Yeah but it was kinda boring"

"Well I got to go eat dinner I'll call you before bed. Bye petey!"

"Bye princess!"

I'm gonna stop there for now but I'm going to try to update soon! I really like this story! I hope you guys like it too!

Bye Little Cubs!

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