The last chapter of army peter is out and i have posted it on this book as well!

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I know this has taken super long, I'm sorry for that. I've been distracted with school and life and I didn't have the energy, time, or motivation to work on it. Good news though is that I want to start a new book. I want to spend more time on it and really enjoy writing. Chapters may come out quick in the beginning but they most likely will slow down and hopefully have a lot of time and detail put into them. If you have any suggestions please comment them because I will need ideas.

Now without further ado (is that how you spell it)

Grab your Kleenex's

     When peter came to he looked around, and his heart dropped. For a second he had had the most wonderful dream. Where he was home. He was safe. He was loved. That was all gone now. Because as he looked up he saw the dark, dirty, blood stained walls.

His heart split in half as he couldn't move his arms due to vibranium chains. He could see his ribs and bones.
His vision was blurry and his senses were all crazy.

   His mind immediately sunk into a dark state where he couldn't think of anything besides death. Peter was back there.

But was he ever really gone?

   Peter was back in his cramped cell under the torture of hydra. Not because they wanted his powers or to make him a brainless soldier. It was out of pure hate and revenge towards the Starks. So peter couldn't reveal any information during torture that hydra wanted because they didn't want any. He couldn't escape. And hydra wouldn't kill him.


So as the days dragged on, being tortured, his mind slowly drifted back to his family. Back to the wonderful dream he had.

   Peter wanted to hear the calming voice of his father. He wanted to hug his mother and sister. Peter wanted his life back.

But wasn't this his life now?

Peter knew that one day he'd be killed. He didn't know when or how. So when his torturer came into his cell on one calm, peaceful night, peter would have no idea that mere hours away was a quinjet full of his father and avengers, his brothers in arms, even his army dog. Peter would never find out because on that night peter closed his eyes one last time. Not to dream of a life of love, safety, and family, but to close his eyes to move on. Peter finally got to rest.

   Never knowing how his family would morn for him, because he thought his family would never find him or the note on his cell wall written in dirt and blood, he didn't fight. He was so tired. So hurt. So worn down and broken in so many ways. He let go.

   So later that night as the avengers and army ransacked the base looking for peter, they found his cell. And on the walls of his cell was a story written in dirt and blood. A wonderful dream that started like this,

"Peter was nervous! He was beyond nervous!"

That's the end! I hope you enjoyed. Please consider commenting ideas for my next book! I'm sorry it's not super long but I knew how I wanted this to end and I wanted to finish it.

Bye Little Cubs!

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