Time for a field trip pt 1

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This past month peter has been shadowing pepper and tony so he can become ceo. Of course that also means he has missed a lot of school. So much that when the senior classes field trip was announced he was told he couldn't go. Nobody knew where the field trip was because it was a suprise so peter wasn't to upset because it might not even be a cool place. Which brings us to the week of the trip.

Peter's pov

"Mom you can't just leave me in charge for a week! what if i mess up!?!?" Peter replied.

"Honey, you'll be fine. It's just a week we'll be gone. I wouldn't leave you in charge on such short notice but me and tony have to go to this meeting." Pepper responded trying to calm peter down a bit.

" And besides you are already prepared and you've basically helped run the company for a month." Tony told him, walking into the room with luggage.

"but it's different being the only one in charge!" Peter responded.

"piccolo, you'll be alright, i promise. You can call us anytime if you need help, ok" tony told peter as he pulled him into a hug (piccolo means little one)

"papa, im scared" peter replied quietly.

" I know but you'll do great bambino, i know you will, ti amo piccolo" Tony said letting peter out of his embrace, (i love you little one)

"Ti amo anch'io papa" peter replied (i love you too dad)

Pepper then opened her arms and peter ran to his mom and hugged her. 

"i love you peter" Pepper said lovingly while placing a kiss on peter's forehead.

"i love you too mama" peter replied

Pepper and tony then borded the plane and peter had officially became temperary ceo.

Monday - 3 days until the field trip 

Peter had woken up at 5 in the morning by being bombarded with meetings and tasks. His first meeting was at 6 am, seriously!?, 6 in the freaking morning! 

Which is where you could find him nursing his second cup of coffee while listening to some stupid guys continue argue over the same topic for 10 minutes until he interfered. 

"Gentlemen, the simple way to solve this arguement is to actually listen to each other." peter said forcefuly but camly.

"Mr. Wessmen we can not over price our products because people wont buy them and we wont make money. But we can not sell them super cheap either or we wont make any money either. So the obvios thing to do is price it at a cost a little more than what we payed to make it and then people will be able to afford it. We then will make money do to the fact that people will buy it, tell their family or friends and then they will buy it. We can't spend all our money on advertising it or we'll just waste more money! Please getlemen think rationally or this meeting will never get over." Peter said in his calm but scary voice.

"Yes Mr. Stark" they both replied and sat down a little scared.

After that crap show was over peter went to his office and started paper work until around 11 when he got his huge lunch and ate. At aroung 12 he left to go to the labs for a few hours until his next meeting.

All the employees love peter. He always makes them excited to work and learn. Which is why while ha is incharge SI's productivity level went up 20%! That was just the first day! 

The rest of peters day was like this, help in labs, solve pr crisis, meetings with suits again, more paper work, dinner, and finally some lab time for himself. 

After peters long and stressful first day he finally fell asleep around 1 in the morning. Which was only because bucky dragged him out of the lab at 12:30 forcing him to get some sleep. 

The next two days were just like monday except there was a huge meeting coming up about investors. Which he was not looking foreward too. 

Thursday - The day of the field trip

Peter as so busy this week he completely forgot about school and the field trip. So as he woke up and gulped down two cups of coffee he was only thinking about the stupid investors meeting. He got dressed in a maroon suit:

 He got dressed in a maroon suit:

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And edith glasses. 

He walked out of the penthouse and got in the elevator going to his office floor. His receptionist was waiting for him with his schedule:

8 am: Meeting with finance and maketing

10 am: Help in the labs for an hour

11 am: lunch break 

12 pm: meeting with investors

2:30 pm: show tour group around private lab and q & a

4 pm: intern meeting 

6 pm : dinner 

7 pm: help in labs for an hour and a half

8:30 - on: free time 

At least i only have three meetings today he thought. Today shouldn't be terrible. 

Unknowingly to him parker luck was about to strike.

Hey little cubs thank you for all the ideas! I'm hoping to update the army peter book today so look out for that! sorry if any of the italian was wrong i google translated it. 

Bye Little Cubs!!!

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