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"Well what's going on here then?" 

It was Harry. He stepped forward from the crowd of adults. 

"Hey Mr Potter..." Scorpius said sheepishly

"You know Scorpius when you started dating my daughter I thought you'd keep yourself out of trouble..." Scorpius just smiled meekly

"What on earth is going on? Potter! I thought your father was dead!?" Draco shouted, clearly frustrated 

"My father is dead Malfoy" Young Harry said stepping out from the party crowd. Older Harry looked suprised at Younger Harry and they both looked eachother dead in the eye for less than a moment.

"What the hell!" Draco's eyes flicked between both Harrys. 

"Step away from my son and we'll explain everything to you." Draco Malfoy said with a steady tone as he stepped out from the group of adults. Young Malfoys eyes widened. Malfoy looked at Draco and saw the resemblance of himself and his father in his face, that he couldn't quite explain.

"Who- who are you?" Malfoy said more quietly than anything else he had said so far

"I am Draco Malfoy, as are you, and the boy you have your wand pointed at is my son." Draco kept his steady tone and eye contact

"So you're me?" There was a moment, just a small one, of weakness where Malfoy loosened his grip on Scorpius' shirt and Scorpius took the oppurtunity to break free and run over to where Lily had been standing, watching all of the mess unfold. Malfoy tensed back up, realising any leverage he might of had, literally, just ran away and held his wand up to his future self. "This is some sort of trickery, some mind trick! This is ridiculous, my father wi-"

"Don't say that. Merlin's beard! I hate how much I said that, especially seen as my father never did anything for me. Look I know right now you believe my- your father is the most important person in the world but listen to me. He is a pathetic, useless, waste of space." Draco spat interrupting Malfoy. Malfoy was speechless, his mouth hung open. He looked, just for a moment, as if he would argue with Draco but let it alone.

"Malfoy." Young Harry had stepped further forward, holding his hands out in fornt of him, as a sort of defensive reflex. "Please. Put the wand down, and we'll explain everything." Lily had had enough. She stepped forward pulled her wand out and stunned him. She stood there in the middle of the crowd, her wand still pointing at where Malfoy had been stood. Malfoy was on the floor, he stirred a little but stopped and looked as if he was sleeping calmly on the ground. She let her wand hand fall to her side, as her father spun on his heel to face her.

"Lily! Why in Merlin's name would do that, we were getting through to him." Then Ginny stepped forward from the group from the past.

"Well done Lily, I personally think that was the best course of action." Lily's father held his breath for a moment and then whispered something, something that sounded like 'Ginny'. But he quickly recovered and cleared his throat

"No I have to disagree, now he will be even angrier when he wakes up. George, Percy could you use incarcerous and detain him please. Thank you." Harry nodded towards Lily's uncles who were with the group that had just transported in.

"I have to agree with- well... erm me. Sorry Gin but that could've been a huge mistake." Young Harry said to young Ginny

"Well I also have to agree with myself" Older Ginny said stepping out of the cluster of adults. For the first time Lily got a proper look at who had actually come back aside from her mother, father and Draco Malfoy. Having just detained Malfoy, George and Percy were stood up straight stood back in the crowd next to their wives, Angelina and Audrey. Hermionie and Ron stood hand in hand, wands ready in their free hands. Fleur stood slightly behind Draco, but Lily could not see her husband Bill.

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