3.Thor's Quiet? Arrival

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-your POV-

It had been a while since the accident, and I was learning sign language fairly quick. It was easier since I already understood grammar concepts, and I wasnt having to actually translate translate. I thought today was just any other day, so I headed down stairs to get breakfast, finding a box on the table [Whats in the box?] I sign to Clint and Natasha, who read sign language the best.

[Its hearing aids. So that you can hear just the super loud things. Like explosions or alarms.] Clint signed back to me, going a little slower than he usually would, knowing that I was still reletively new to it.

Natasha set a hand down in my eye sight to catch my attention [Stark wanted to make sure you had one today becuase Thor is coming back, and can be very friendly. He doesnt know about your hearing yet.] She said, her eyebrows furrowing a bit [Will you be okay?]

I nodded [Yeah, as long as you guys help me talk with him. Ill try to grab a notepad before he arrives, but with it being him, I dont know if I will have it on hand when he does arrive.] I sign back, jumping as I saw Stark walk past me for his coffee mixture.

I decided to plug in my hearing aids as I saw Natasha scolding Stark, pushing my head to the side at the slight noise, Clint getting up and helping me [It can be hard to get used to, even if you weren't deaf for that long.] He signed, noticing my concerned expression

I smile, thanking him in sign before I adjusted them so they sat more comfortably [Do they look obvious?] I ask the trio as I settle my hair back into place, them all shaking their head

I smile, starting to eat, looking back up at the group when Stark and Clint jump a bit. I look up as they rush off [Lightning] Natasha signed to me. Which meant Thor.

I scrambled over to the living room, picking up a whiteboard that had been used for game nights, and found a black marker to use along with it. When I went back to finish my breakfast, I saw the elevator doors start to open, an enthusiastic Thor saying something, but I didnt understand.

I grabbed the marker, scribbling on the whiteboard before turning it to Thor [I lost my hearing] is what it said. Thor had treated me as a sister ever since he had arrived, and I knew he would be confused by my sudden quietness, and especially not hearing him.

Thor's face contorted with frustration, turning to Tony and Natasha to talk to them. I noticed a Black haired man behind Thor, who was wearing a black suit, and was very quiet. I couldn't help but become curious as I moved over twords them, still holding my white board.

I erased the prior message, writing down a new one before turning it to the new guy [Whats your name?] It read

He seemed suprised, but a smirk crossed his lips, going to take a step twords me before Thor stopped him, turning to face me, holding his hand out to my whiteboard, and I handed it to him [This is my brother, Loki. I understand you were in a coma during the new york attack, but Loki is the one, under mind control, that lead it.] He wrote before handing the board back to me to read.

My face faltered a bit, puffing my cheeks out a bit [Well that means that he is basically a victim to it as well. Why is Tony being, im assuming, all upset about it.] You wrote before handing it back to Thor. His expression relaxed [Im happy that you see this from my view as well.] He wrote, before adding [Why dont you bring him up to the library for now? He might enjoy that, and I know you are also a bit fond of it.]

I nodded, grabbing the whiteboard, wiping it clear with my sleeve [Library?] I wrote on it, turning it to Loki, pointing my thumb at the elevator

Loki nodded, saying something breifly to Thor before following me into the elevator. The doors closed and I pressed the button, glancing at him when he held out his hands to grab my marker. [Why can't you hear?] He wrote

I took a moment to admire his elegant writing, which was a contrast to Thor's, before I erased the message [Long story short, an explosion blew up right next to me. I was lucky I got out, but my ears bled and during surgery they worsened and I lost my hearing.] I wrote, letting him read before I erased it to write more [I can technically hear a little bit, like loud things, but I cant tell what direction they come from. But things loud enough for me to hear often also come with blaring lights or an explosion]

I see more of a heartfelt smile cross his lips for a moment, but it soon disapreared as he saw me staring. The elevator doors finally opened, and I noticed the Librarian was gone [What kind of books do you like?] I ask, and he doesnt erase my message to write his [Classic Literature is what Stark said you would call my tastes]

I smile, gently grabbing his hand to pull him over to shakespeare and some other classic writings. I release his hand, handing him the Julius Caesar writing. He looked stiff as I turned to him, but he raised an eyebrow, pointing twords a couch before walking over and sitting down.

I sat down across from him, smiling as he seemed to have a bit of child-like wonder on his face, though he tried to hide it a bit.

I had heard about what he'd done, but just from my short interaction with him, I thought that it would be very out of character for him, so the whole mind control made alot of sense to me.

-Loki's POV-

I glance up at Y/N after I finish my book, and notice she is asleep "Silly mortal...Dont fall asleep in front of people you barely know..." I say, standing up infront of her.

I crouch down like I would to talk to a kid, gently picking her up, laying her down properly on the couch 'Why am I doing this even?' I ask myself. 'Is it pity? Becuase she cannot hear?'

I settle a chair with a huff, picking up the book she was reading to replace Julius Caesar. It was a fantasy romance book. I had to admit it was fairly captivating.

I did not know why this sudden ease of mind sparked with this mortal, but It only intreiged me more to find out about her.

Word Count: 1,152

Loud Trickster In A Quiet World, A Loki x Deaf ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now