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Loki never left your side.

When you were comatose, he would get you food, but now that you were awake, food had to be brought down for the two of you.

You didnt really know if this was real life, or if it was just fantasy. Your limbs felt like you'd been caught in a landslide.

Physical therapy started, and you didn't mind it at first. It was mostly light agitation, that someon else would do, normally Bruce or a different nurse. You never caught her name.

You then started working on your arms, at first, just picking them up, and setting them down, basic maneuvers like that. You slowly added light weights, and soon enough there was two almost ballet balance hand rails stationed near your bed.

Loki had carried you over to them, and had this had happened prior to your kidnapping and coma, you would have been very flustered. But right now your mind was mostly focused on how to get back in bed.

Not that you wanted to spend your life in a hospital bed, but whatever was done to your legs, well, whole body, made them hurt like hell. And you still couldn't do water therapy, because of the burns.

"Just a few more minutes, and we can take a break." Loki reassured, his hand ever so gently placed on your lower back. It made you feel safe, and your mind stayed a little more grounded.

But you only let out a whine in response. Or maybe it was a wince?

Loki helped support you a bit more as he heard your pain, not startling as the door burst open. A flare of red darted twords you, only stopping just infront of you.

Natasha, who'd practically adopted you as a younger sibling; who hadn't seen you awake yet. She reached out to hug you, but quickly pulled her hands back [Sorry I wasn't here when you woke up.] She signed, as you slowly made your way back to your bed with help from Loki

'Its okay' you tried to sound out, your hands gripping Loki's shirt, and one of his hands.

As soon as you were in bed Natasha gently hugged you, and you felt tears hit your shoulder. You hugged her as tight as you could as you started to cry as well, a gross feeling washing away as if her not being here made it feel fake still.

When she pulled away, she quickly wiped her eyes with her sleeve, smiling the whole time [You really worried me.]

You looked down briefly, feeling slightly ashamed of yourself. Natasha gently cupped your face, pulling it up to look at her again [Not your fault.] She signed sternly [He fooled us all, not just you.]

You nodded, glancing over at Loki, who was grabbing something from the table top. It was a manilla envelope, which you knew was full of information that Natasha had requested for them to pull.

She sat down in the chair closest to your bed, earning a slight, but not really real, glare from Loki. He stood next to you on the other side of the bed, setting a hand on your back gently.

Natasha rummaged through her many pockets on her vest, pulling out a bracelet [Its from wherever I was in eastern Asia. I dont know the name in sign language.] I fiddled with it, briefly holding it up to the light before turning my gaze back to her

[It has some jade and rose quartz. They're thought to be crystals of luck and healing. I thought it might help you wake up, but now that youre awake, maybe it'll help you heal better.] Natasha gently took the bracelet, sliding it on your wrist.

It wasn't heavy at all, in comparison to the size of the beads. It was simple, yes, but was clearly thought out.

You smiled and gently pulled Nat into a hug. She didnt resist at all, hugging you for longer than you'd ever seen her do before. [Focus on getting better, I have to submit my report. But ill visit you later today.] She told you, kissing the top of your head before leaving.

Loki took back his seat after she left, and held your hand "She really does care for you." He told you, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.

You nodded, gently tugging on his hand [Can I sit with you?] You signed, eyeing the apparently comfy chair.

Loki smiled, getting up and picking you up before sitting back down. He pulled a lever in the side of it, and it became a recliner, and even pulled a blanket out from somewhere "Of course. You're always welcomed. Do you want me to read to you?" He asked as he handed you a cup of tea, seemingly out of nowhere.

You nodded, blowing on the hot tea before taking a sip. It was a lavender and lemon flavored tea, probably to help you fall asleep as he read.

Normally, you wouldn't go to bed at this time, er, to sleep, but physical therapy made you tired, and you didnt want to move another muscle.

Loki started to read as you finished your tea, tucking yourself into his side, and getting comfortable before shutting your eyes.

Word count: 884

Yes, its short, im sorry. But I wanted to try and get a chapter out for Christmas, and there isnt that much left of christmas- sooooo you get what you get.

Loud Trickster In A Quiet World, A Loki x Deaf ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now