14.Under the weather

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-Your POV-

Waking up with braids was weird, but nice. I thought it was Natasha for a while, but when she was a bit suprised when I went to train with her, I crossed her off my list of suspects.

[You're distracted.] Nat points out as she knocks me down for the third time. Or was it the fourth?

I made no effort to get up this time [Im just thinking about who might have braided my hair. Becuase I dont think Buck would have, Steve doesnt know how to, and Tony wouldn't even if he had his own kid.] I sign, looking up at the white ceiling and luminescent lights.

[I might have an idea. But I believe in you to figure it out.] Natasha says, holding out her hand to me [why dont you stop for the day. You're clearly tired.]

I sigh, letting her pull me up [You sure? I could probably go for a bit longer.]

Natasha pats my back a bit roughly [And I'll just keep wining. Don't worry about it. Go get some food, and relax.]

I nod, thanking her for the session, even though it was short. I grab a cup of ice cream, granted, not the best choice, but who cared. Its ice cream.

I notice its raining, finishing my cup, and rinsing it out, before going out onto the patio. I pull out my braids, since its a mess to undo when my hair is wet. I notice a ribbon mixed along with my hair, pulling a pair out and looking them over. Deep green with gold embroidery. Now I think I know who did it. I smile and trace the golden thread gently.

After a while of just sitting there, rubbing my thumb over the ribbon, listening to the rain and the passing sounds of far off cars.

"What are you doing?" I hear as a hand sets on my head, looking up to see suspect #1, Loki. Standing next to me with one of his hands in his pockets.

[I was thinking about who might have braided my hair this morning.] I tell him teasingly.

His body heaves a tiny bit as he--hopefully-- lets out a laugh "I wonder. Did you find any clues?"

I fight back letting out a laugh as well [I have this ribbon, but I have no idea as to who here likes the colors green and gold.]

"How mysterious" He says, letting his joy slip into his voice "Is this what you humans call being 'under the weather'?" He asks, making me not be able to hold in my laugh this time.

[Thats different. I'll get someone to tell you about what that means later. But for now, we should both go back in and make sure no one is dying.] I say, standing up while grabbing the railing.

"By no one, do you mean Stark? Becuase he is the most likely." Loki comments, holding open the door for me, his hand moving to my lower back "He has blown up his lab about 13 times this month."

I nod a small thanks at the door gesture, pulling out my phone for a moment [Mostly, yeah]

I go down the elevator, and am greeted by Nat. "Hey! I told you to go rest!" She scolds as I walk in, Loki still by my side.

[I did, and went and sat in the rain. I forgot my towel down here.] I tell her, walking around the gym mats [I'll just be in and out.]

I head into the girls locker room, and Loki respectfully waits outside [You know you dont have to follow me around everywhere.]

Loki grabs my hand, kissing my knuckles as he telepathically speaks to me "Well, Darling, I can see you are very tired recently, and wish to help protect you while you recover more."

My face flushes, and a pull my hand to my chest as he lets go. [I can handle myself.] I sign, avoiding direct eye contact.

Loki's hand ends up on my upper back, leading me back to the elevator "It is a simple courtesy from me, so please dont reject it."

I turn to face Loki as we arrive at my room [Well you cant follow any further anyways. Im going to shower.] I tell him, noticing a small frown [If you go read in the living room, I'll go find you before I go anywhere else.]

Loki grins, raising my hand to kiss the back of it again "Of course. I hope your shower is satisfying."

He pulls away, walking off in seemingly a good mood.

A few days later, with Loki continuing to be my escort to most places, and the team not bothering to mention it that much anymore, I wake up and dont find him in the living room.

I turn quickly, rushing off to his room, knocking on the door. I cant tell if he responds or not, so I call out [Loki? Its (Y/N)." I try to say, hoping that with the distortion of the door, and my jarbled speech, he could understand.

I wait for a few moments, and the door opens just a bit [Im sorry (Y/N), I'm busy today. Thor requested I help him do some magic stuff for him.]

I smile a little [Its okay, I just wanted to check on you; you know, make sure youre alright. Do you want me to bring you some food? I think Clint made pancakes.]

Loki smiles, but it looks...strange.... [That would be delightful.]

I go and grab Loki's pancakes, noticing Thor. I set down the plate, tapping hos arm to grab his attention [What favor did you ask Loki to do? He was acting a bit strange.]

Thor looks confused [I didnt ask him for anything. Maybe he didnt use the right words?]

I frown, grabbing the plate and making my way back to his room. I knock on the door, waiting for him to open it before pushing past him into his room. I set the plate down on his bedside table [Thor said he didnt ask you a favor.]

Loki sighs, looking dejected. And bluer?

[Ok, he didn't ask me for stuff, but im working on stuff.] He tells me, making my eyebrows furrow.

[Who dont you just talk telepathically? Usually you dont sign.] I ask, before reaching my hand out slightly, and he pulls back.

[Im sorry, im just not feeling well. You shouldn't touch me. I didnt want to admit it.] He tells me, not looking at me directly.

I gently reach out and feel his forehead, and he pulls back in suprise [You feel warm.] I say [And your skin looks different?]

Loki takes a few steps, a bit of his magic shimmering and his skin turns blue, his eyes red. [My skin is different becuase I'm Jotun. And its showing through becuase its essentially what my face looks like when I'm a bit flushed.]

[Its so pretty.] I sign, walking closer, before stopping myself [Sorry, not the time. You need to eat. And should I turn the temperature up? Or down?]

Loki seems a bit suprised [Down.] He signs slowly. He sits down on his bed, starting to eat his pancakes.

After I turn the room temperature down, I sit in one of Loki's seats, holding in a laugh [This is what being under the weather is.]

Word Count: 1239

Loud Trickster In A Quiet World, A Loki x Deaf ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now