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-Your POV-

I half woke up, letting my eyes open enough to see the Library celling above me. I close my eyes and snuggle into the blanket that was draped over me.

Wait where did a blanket come from?

I shot up, pushing the blanket off as I surveyed the room. Empty. Loki had left. Not that I really expected him to stay though.

I tidied up the space before making ny way to the kitchen so I could grab a snack. I didnt notice anyone in the living room to my left, grabbing some ice cream, putting it in a mug. I jump as I see someone's arm grab the ice cream tub from infront of me.

I notice the metal sheen before I turn to face them, noticing it was Bucky. I duck from under him, grabbing a note pad from the table before scribbling down my message [How did your mission go?]

He squints a tiny bit to read my writing, before grabbing the note pad [It went fine. I heard about the accident, Steve and I are trying to learn a bit of 'ASL' but its difficult]

I smile, unknowingly letting out a small little laugh [Its fine, I dont mind talking like this as long as you are fine with it as well.]

I grab my mug, sitting down next to Natasha, Bucky sitting down next to me, with Steve on his other side. Natasha grabbed the remote, turning on subtitles on the movie.

I notice a few other people join us in watching the movie, among them being Loki, Tony, and Wanda.

As the movie starts to end I lean against Bucky, who tenses up before relaxing again.

After the movie finishes I sit up, streching a bit [Wow, miss Y/N here cuddling up to the winter soldier huh?] Natasha signs to me [You know hes more interested in Steve than me right?] I sign back

Natasha rolls her eyes a bit, and turns her gaze to the door. I mirror to see what caught her attention, and see Sam walking in, talking frantically, and I can't get an understanding of their conversation. People start to get up, and probably for a mission.

I get up, going to put my, now empty, mug away, when I see Sam trying to catch my attention. I go to grab my note pad, when I feel something press against the back of my head.

I freeze as I feel the cold metal, dropping my mug. The person seems to tell Natasha to not sign to me, becuase after she started to the weapon pushes more agressivly against my head.

I realize the complete situation, noticing that no one's eyes move to any other part of the room. The intruder was alone.

I might be deaf, but I was still a part of the team. I quickly grab the gun, and push it from pointing at my head, and I faintly hear it go off and shoot into the wall. I free it from his grasp, pointing it at him instead.

He held his hands up, clearly suprised. I keep the gun up until he was put into handcuffs, and I set the gun down, picking up the ceramic pieces. I dump them into the trash, turning to see a Suprised Loki along with the rest of the group talking about something

[Not expecting it?] I write down on the note pad before turning it to face him

[That is an understatement] He wrote down, grabbing a drink, glancing at the label deciding it was acceptable. I went over to Natasha [What was happening before the guy tried to take me hostage?] I signed after catching her gaze

[Sam brought up that there was someone he thought was suspicious in the tower. But I think you caught him] She told me with a smile [How about we order some food? I think all of us are a little too tired to make food.]

I smile, going over to our multitude of take out restaurant menus. I grabbed the chinese food one, pointing to what I would want, not really knowing the words for them yet.

Natasha grabbed her phone and called in to place everyone's orders as she gathered them. I sat back down on the couch, picking up a pillow to cuddle into. It had become common for me to do, since my ears felt awkward for me to lean into pillows.

When food arrived, I planned to wait until everyone grabbed their food first, a bit confused when it was set down infront of me. I glanced up at Loki, looking for an explanation, but didnt get one as he sat in a solitary chair across the room.

I took the food anyways, pushing the pillow aside as I dug in. I hadn't realized how much I was actually hungry, finishing fairly fast.

I set down the empty plastic dish, wiping my hands off on a napkin. I glanced around, trying to read other people's lips as they talked, still struggling with it. Clint was off in his vents again, and Natasha was turned away from me to talk with Bruce.

I pulled the pillow back into my lap, pushing my face into it. It was frustrating to not be able to join conversation as much, but I never complained.

The weight of the couch cushion shifted as someone sat down, making me look up. Loki handed me a piece of paper [Could you show me more Midgardian books] was written down, a smaller note added after [Im not allowed to go on the other floors without supervision]

I smiled, getting up with a nod. I took a few people's 'dishes' rinsing them and putting them in the recycling bin.

Loki waited by the elevator, pushing the button as I walked over, the doors promptly opening. When we arrived, he followed behind me, walking over to the classic literature and YA novels. I picked a few up off the shelves, handing them off to Loki, who took them.

Once he had plenty of books, I smiled and turned to him. He had magic-ed them away presumably, and now had another note [Book on sign language? It is rather tedious to write out everything]

I feel myself let out a small laugh, going a few rows over to grab a book on sign language, handing it to him. This time I got to see him 'glimmer' the book away, it being suprisingly pretty.

He seemed to notice, smirking as he shimmered something into his hands instead. It was a piece of chocolate. I smiled, taking the offering happily.

We made our way back to the 'living' floor, noticing that most of the people were gone to their rooms, or in the case if Stark, likely to his lab.

I walked over to my room after waving to Thor and Loki, who had sat back down in his original chair.

I made my way into my bed, cuddling into a pillow and my blankets before falling asleep.

Word Count: 1,181

Loud Trickster In A Quiet World, A Loki x Deaf ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now