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Btw, I am changing the perspective, so instead of saying 'I', im gonna do 'you', becuase I see that alot more in other fics, but if you dont like it, tell me and I'll go back to 'I'. Anyways, enjoy.

You were so tired. You didnt want to get out of bed even if it were to get ice cream or save the world. Your throat hurt, and your body was sore from Natasha insisting that you do some training with her. Talking had taken more of a toll on your voice than you thought. Bruce even told you to not talk too much, and to have a spoon full of honey after having a drink. It felt rediculous, but it helped a bit.

After you managed to push yourself out of bed, and slowly make your way to the living room, you saw that it was empty. It was strange that the team didnt wake you if they all had a mission, though, maybe bruce told them to let me rest. You layed down on the couch, hoping that maybe napping there for a bit would help you to have more energy.

You stayed stuck in a half awake, half asleep daze, until a certain black haired god walked in. You let out a small whine that was an attempt at saying good morning, catching his attention.

Loki made his way over to you, crouching down infront of you, letting his hand rest on your forehead "You dont have a fever, whats wrong Darling?" He asked, his brows furrowing.

You leaned unto his hand a bit, your eyes shutting as you signed [I'm exhausted. I'll be fine after a nap.]

"Alright, I'll take your word for it. But if it continues tommorow, go get a checkup." He said, removing his hand, standing up and brushing off his pants.

You reached out and grabbed the bottom of his shirt gently, so loose that he could pull free by just taking a stead back. He instead grabbed your hand, using it for his telepathic link "Yes?"

You pulled your hand free gently [Wake me if the team gets back.] You signed, keeping your eyes shut still.

You felt Loki's hand push some of your hair back "Of course. Enjoy your nap." He said before pulling his hand back to himself.

You fell asleep, curling into yourself a bit. You could somehow tell Loki was still in the room, likely in his chair reading. It wasn't a bother, and if anything, it was reassuring.

You woke up about an hour later, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes before looking around. Loki was still in his chair, though his book was shut. [Good morning. The team isnt back, but they told me that it will be a long mission.] He signed after he saw you were looking.

[You didnt wake me?] You signed before covering a yawn. Only then did you notice there was a soft green blanket covering your lap.

[You said to wake you when they get back, not if they contacted me.] He signed, now getting up and walking over. He pushed his hands through your hair gently, tying it back loosely with a ribbon "How was your nap?"

You smiled, fiddling with the ribbon briefly [It was good. Im much more awake right now, though my body is still sore from training.]

Loki smiled, making his hand a bit cooler before setting it over your eyes a bit. They must have been a bit red, or puffy before he did that, becuase it felt so refreshing.

He pulled his hand back, turning to face the elevator. You didnt catch what he was saying, but you turned to look where he was talking to. You noticed Deacon, who held up a big bag of fried chicken, and pointed to it.

You got up, streching a bit before going to grab a plate. Now that you smelled the chicken, you felt starving. Once Deacon set down the bag, you realized why he had been out for more than an hour. It was practically jammed as full as it could be. [When I left the team said that it would be a short mission, but it ended up being extended, so when I tried to cancel the order the place tried to fight me. And they won I guess.] He signed, pulling out one of the many boxes.

I nodded, grabbing a decent serving for myself, sitting on a bar stool before starting to eat. Loki joined, inspecting his pieces before eating as well. You thought it was funny, and kinda cute.

[Wanna hear about the mission] Deacon asked, grabbing a soda before sitting down as well. [I heard Thor might come back because he got really mopey.]

You tilted your head, setting down your chicken [What do you mean? What could have made him upset?]

[Well I heard, from Tony, that they were working with his girlfriend and stuff, and someone brought up like life spans, and how Thor will only be able to stay with her for like, at most, 50 tears ish. So in our standards, not even a half year.] Deacon signed, talking along with his motioning.

Loki froze in his seat, and his chicken looked like it was about to fall and drop.on his plate. You guessed it never occurred to him either.

It seemed to hit him pretty hard. Enough so that he left the table, and dissapeared into the elevator. Maybe he was going to go find Thor and talk about it. Perhaps he was going to find Jane and see if he could extend her life. You would have no idea.

[Well, I guess I should have kept that to myself.] Deacon signed, looking nervous.

You smiled, though it was more of a grimace [Probably.]

Word count: 973
(Sorry its shorter-)

Loud Trickster In A Quiet World, A Loki x Deaf ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now