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You woke up the next morning, tucked into the blankets of the hospital bed. You had gotten used to waking up like this, but it still felt weird. You turned and surely enough, found Loki sitting in the reclining chair, book closed on his thumb, his head resting in his other hand.

You admired him for a moment, struggling to grab your phone from the bedside table, quickly stealing a picture before waking him up.

You very soft called out his name, and sure enough, he woke up almost instantly. Loki sat up, and reverted the recliner to being it's normal chair. He gently pushed some of your hair back, smiling that some innocent smile from last night "Good morning." He greeted before pulling away.

He fixed his hair and clothes a little bit before grabbing your hand gently "Do you want to go to your room? We were going to have you sleep there last night, but I didn't want you to wake up and be too startled."

You couldn't help but grin, reaching your arms up a bit, signalling a request for Loki to carry you. Had you been perfectly healthy, you would have been super embarrassed, however, Loki was your main mode of transportation currently.

Loki picked you up, grabbing a few of your things and having you carry them before making his way twords the elevator. The ride up was fast, and you were greeted by the smell of pancakes. "Food first." He told you, setting you down on one of the chairs at the dinner table.

A few people greeted you as they made their way in, Steve coming in from his morning workout, Stark wandering in to make his satanic red bull-coffee. Clint was making pancakes, and Natasha was making sure that no one (aka, Loki and Thor), would take too many before everyone got their firsts.

[How are the pancakes?] Natasha asked, smiling as she sat down with her plate, and ignored the chaos that started as she left

[It's good! Thank you for guarding them for me by the way.] You signed, finishing your last pancake.

[No problem. Besides, I'm glad to see you eating up here.] She signed, before picking up her fork and knife

[I'll try to eat here more often, it's just tiring sometimes.] You told her, glancing at the boys fighting for the last pancake. Of course, Loki got it by ignoring the fight and just taking it. No one noticed until Loki was already sitting down next to you.

You could tell that Loki and Nat were bantering with each other, since their sarcasm usually amused each other. That, and their humor with fighting people.

You kept to yourself mostly, but enjoyed watching them interact. One thing you caught from Loki was 'Home'. You could feel yourself frown a bit at the notion of Loki returning to Asgard, but if he was able, and more importantly willing, then who were you to stop him.

Nat seemed to notice, because soon enough she set a gentle hand on your arm. She didn't bring it up, since you both knew that Loki choosing to talk vocally and without sign language meant he didn't want you to really know.

But it weighed down on you throughout the day.

"Are you alright?" He asked later in the day, when you hadn't turned to the next page after ten whole minutes.

You smiled and nodded [Just fine] you signed, but he gave you a look that showed that he didn't believe you. But he didnt push it.

But once Thor set down a suitcase of a sort, you couldn't help but frown. If Thor was going home...then Loki probably was too. Supposedly Loki was supposed to be watched over by Thor, but obviously that didn't really happen.

Thor caught your gaze, and walked over [Why the down face?] He signed, crouching down Infront of you.

You could feel Loki shift forwards in his seat, ready to push away Thor if need be. [Are you going home?] You asked, glancing at Loki briefly.

Thor nodded, but realized your concern [Yes I'm taking Loki with me. Were you not informed of our plans?]

You shook your head. Was Loki really going to leave you here without telling you anything?

"We'll only be gone for a few days. It's mostly just diplomatic stuff." Loki reassured you, his hand resting on your knee.

It would be a lie if you said that it didn't distract you a little bit. You nodded a bit, keeping your eyes on his hand.

Maybe not just a little bit.

"Darling, you're going to make me want to take you with me if you keep making that face..." Loki said, his voice a little lower than normal.

Now you were sure your face was red, and you had almost forgotten your sadness. You looked at Loki, he had a mischievous smile showing, but he definitely did have a little sad note to his expression.

"I'll bring back stuff for you?" He offered, as Thor walked away, seeming to read the mood and left for plot purposes.

You leaned into his arm, looking down to hide your face [I don't want anything] you signed, refusing to.look up at him

"I will bring you something regardless." He told you, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of your head, making you look up at him.

You could see his face was flushed a little, he probably could practically feel the heat radiating off your face.

A sly smile crossed his face, and he moved his hand from your leg to under your chin. Pulling you forwards gently until his lips pressed against yours.

And of course that was when you woke up. The first half was true, but the second half was a daydream you had been thinking about ever since he left. In reality, everything up to when he put his hand on your knee was true. But after that, he reassured you that the time would pass quickly, and then left.

But you could fantasize about it all you liked.

Word count: 1024

Loud Trickster In A Quiet World, A Loki x Deaf ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora