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This chapter uses the same perspective as the prior chapter, since I wrote these immediately after eachother, and wont publish them until later in the day. Sorry.

Loki made his way up to the roof, rushing his entire way there "Heimdall, I know you can see me. I know ive done bad things, but please let me in. I need to talk with my mother." He called out, feeling pathetic for showing even him, who sees everything, his weakness.

He was soon pulled into the rainbow light, and came out in the golden dome that was the gate to Asgard. Heimdall walked off the raised area where the sword went, keeping his gaze on Loki "I have to admit, it is refreshing to see you admit you have done wrong, but I will not be crude and bother you about it." Heimdall spoke, returning to his usual position by the door "Her majesty has just gotten notice of your arrival, I expect she is waiting for you now."

Loki rushed forwards, suprised as he was pulled back "Dont. Cause. Trouble." Heimdall warned, glaring at him before letting go.

Loki composed himself, brushing off his sleeve "Of course. I am here for an important matter, there is no time for that."

Heimdall sighed, but a small smile was apparent on his face "Hurry along, unless you require a grand chariot to take you."

Loki let out a airy laugh, shaking his head before teleporting to the castle's gates. He couldn't teleport in, or he would be rushed by the palace guards, but this would suffice. He pushed open the doors, making his way hurriedly through the corridors he grew up in. Once he made his way to his mother's room, he paused, and knocked "Mother?"

The doors opened, and Frigga pulled him in "Heimdall did not say why you are visiting, but I was told you said it was urgent." She said, seating herself at a small table, two warm cups of tea resting upon it.

"It is about...Thor's lover. She is human, and has a small life span. Would there be no way to extend it?" He asked, standing infront of her instead of sitting.

Frigga took a sip of her tea, swinging her legs so she sat facing him. She reached out, pulling him into a hug "Darling, you still are horrible at hiding your intentions from me. It is about a human you like, no?"

Loki set one of his knees down on the ground so he could be more comfortable at that level, pulling himself into his mother's embrace. "Unfortunately yes...I fear that I will loose her. She is so...small and fragile. She's strong, but human bones break so easily. Their hearts stop beating so soon. Why is it that they live such short lives?" He asked, shutting his eyes so the tears that were building up wouldn't spill over.

"Becuase, my child, you and me both live with a piece of the universe in us. When Asgard was founded, in the center of our land, was a fragment of a star. Ontop of it grew a tree, which grew the most beautiful apples. There were only eight of them, so as an offering of peace our ancestors gave them to the ruler of each realm. Midgard was still practically desolate then, so none went to them. We couldn't have predicted that they would have grown to have nearly the same amount of people as we do now. The apples changed the composition of our bodies, made us able to detoxify the air around us better. When we breathe, it doesn't take much effect. When humans breathe, the air slowly poisons them. They can only breathe oxygen, and it slowly kills them. Makes their bodies grow weaker as their life nears the end." Frigga had began to rub small circles on his back, ignoring the feeling of the tears that had spilled over Loki's eyes, and onto her shoulder. He didnt want her to see him weak, so she didnt look.

"There has to be some way.." Loki sobbed, his fingers clutching around the fabric of Frigga's shall "What about a transplant? Or a blood transfusion?" He asked, pulling away and looking up at his mother, who held a saddened gaze

"Their bodies will reject it. There's no way unless they had the magic capabilities to stabilize themselves." She said, cupping his cheek and brushing away his tears.

Loki grabbed her hand "Magic? So if I split my Sedir, and link her to me with that, could she make it through it"

"Loki." Frigga said sternly "You cant try and rush her into this. Even with that, it would be extremely unpleasant, and she has to make the choice to do it. If you make her do something that she doesnt want, she will end up hating you until the end of her life, instead of loving you."

Loki paused, wiping his eyes "Right. Sorry." He composed himself, standing up, and kissing Frigga's forehead "Ill stay the night. Then I'll go back and bring up the idea."

Frigga held Loki's hand, setting her other hand ontop of it, rubbing it gently "Take care of yourself. Take it slow with her, make sure she feels loved. I dont doubt that you do, but remember that people can be overwhelmed sometimes."

Loki nodded "Especially when its me." He said, pulling her hand up to kiss gently "That was your next sentence, was it not?" He asked, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes.

Frigga flicked his forehead, smiling "If you keep stealing my words like that, then I'll have to find new ones." She teased

"How horrible." Loki teased back, making his way to her door, pausing as his hand grabbed the handle "Thank you mother." He said before he left, going to find his room.

Word count:983
(Again short, sorry, but uhhhhhh I dont like to leave chapters at unresolved places and stuff-)

Loud Trickster In A Quiet World, A Loki x Deaf ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now