11.Comfort and Calm

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-Loki's POV-

It was calm for a while, and a light rainfall started, which made even me start to get a little drowsy. But I kept myself focused. Alert in order to help keep her safe, from either any intruders, or if she were to have any bad dreams. I felt bad for bringing the memories to the surface, but she did seem relived to be able to get it out.

It astounded me that she was able to be this lively after all that she went to. If I was told just the story, I would have expected the person to be constantly fearful, paranoid, and either extremely childish or lack interest in everything.

"You have a very strong mind." I mumble to her, pressing a kiss atop her head. "It is a shame that it works against you at times."

I hear a soft buzzing, reaching over (Y/N) to grab her phone. As the screen lit up, I read the text [The team asks for your presence in the living room]

"Jarvis." I wait a second to hear a small noise "Tell the team that (Y/N) is exhausted, and is sleeping."

After a while, I hear the rush of foot steps, groaning softly as I realize its more than just one or two people "Cant a god be alone with this girl for more than an hour?" I mumble to myself.

As most of the team appears in the doorway, slowly walking in, I notice Natasha walking closer "How long has she been asleep?" She asks, "Has she had any nightmares? Did she tell you?"

"Shes been asleep for..." I glance at the clock "Fourty-seven minutes. No nightmares, and yes, she told me."

"Are we gonna ignore that hes literally like cuddling her! What if he has her under his mind control!" Tony barks out, a low growl rumbling through my throat "I haven't the powers to even do so! And I wouldn't use them on her!"

"Boys! Calm the hell down!" Lady Natasha snaps "Tony, he's fine. I trust him. And my trust in him is the most impactful here, becuase I rarely trust people. Especially when it comes to my младшая сестра."

"What the fuck did she even say?" Tony sputters.

"I believe she said 'little sister'." Jarvis chimes in.

"Hey, I think this is lovely." My brother starts to say "I think that we should be happy! My little brother often hates physical contact with people, and the only other person he would stay in close contact with for more than, say, ten or twenty minutes, would be our mother. So the fact that he is keeping her so close to him is, frankly, adorable."

"Aww, Reindeer games is a mommy's boy." Tony teases, thankfully, Lady Natasha smacks him on the back of his head.

I feel (Y/N) stir a bit, and even thought noise wasn't an issue, me talking would likely disturb her "Whatever just get out!" I tell then quickly, before Thor and Natasha start to push them out, closing the door behind them.

I let out a soft sigh, turning my gaze back to (Y/N) letting my fingers run through her hair again "Your roommates are insufferable. Well, I suppose our roommates."

-Your POV-

I shift a bit as I feel myself start to wake up, turning my head away from the light pouring through the blinds. I take a bit to realize my surroundings, my eyes shooting open, pushing myself away from the other body on my bed.

I push my back against the wall, relaxing after my vision clears all the way, seeing Loki. He looks concerned. [Sorry. I didn't expect you to still be here.]

I watch as his expression softens, and I let him reach out and gently pull me closer to him, and into a hug "Quite alright Darling. Shall I see about getting some food?" He suggests, and I nod, feeling my stomach grumble a bit.

I look down a bit, before feeling something press against the top of my head "Come down whenever you are ready."

I glance up, my hand touching the same place on my head as he walks off. I would have asked him what it was, but his back was turned.

Now was the time to melt over all his actions from the day prior.

He got so...gentle? It was suprising in retrospect, but it wasn't exactly our of character? And his voice, oh his voice. It was so calming and reassuring. And it sure didnt help that he made just to softest little touches when he needed to talk to me.

They were purely innocent of course, and they made me want to just cuddle up to him and ask him to rub my back, play with my hair, just be soothing.

"Goddamit" I curse under my breath, getting up to go wash my face 'I need to snap myself out of these thoughts.' i tell myself, getting a small towel and dampening it with cold water before cleaning off my face.

I glanced at the mirror, finally judging the outfit I threw together, without looking, last night. A hoodie and some leggings. Could be worse. But the hoodie definitely wasn't mine. When did I even grab a hoodie? Usually I dont right after a shower.

Pushing my internal questions away, I stumble into the living room/kitchen, inhaling the delicious scent of Clint's pancakes [Good morning sleepy head.] Natasha greets, earning a small pout from me.

[I didnt sleep in too late, did I?] I ask, sitting myself on one of the stools [Well, no, but you were cuddled up against mr. Christmas tree while Tony threw a fit about it.]

I feel my face quickly heat up, covering my face quickly. I peek out a little bit, seeing Natasha's grin [By the way, new hoodie? A little big, dont you think?]

I let out a slightly heavy breath, scrunching up my nose a bit [I dont really remember when I put it on, or where I got it. But it's really really comfortable, and smells nice.]

I turn away from Natasha as I feel a hand press against my lower back, looking up to see Loki "Clint says your pancakes are done." Loki tells me, making me blush a tiny bit again before rushing over to Clint to grab a stack of pancakes.

He hands it to me, a smirk across his lips [Courtesy of your boyfriend.] He teases, and I swat his hands away flusterdly [No seriously. He owes me money now.]

I glance over at Loki, seeing him reading in his usual seat. I turn back to Clint so I can eat, grabbing a fork full [New hoodie?] Clint asks.

Word Count: 1,130

Loud Trickster In A Quiet World, A Loki x Deaf ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now