6.Confusion and Concern

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-Natasha's POV-

As I made my way to the kitchen for breakfast, tired from last night's mission, turning on the lights, since all of us hadn't bothered to turn on any last night, and instead just headed to our rooms as if systematically. I notice two people laying in Steve's recliner. I don't pay much mind as to who it was because I assume it's Tony after I saw a glimpse of black hair. As I make some coffee, I hear someone else enter the room.

I turn to see Tony, and my eyebrows furrow a bit. Who was in the chair then?

I made my way over, and notice its actually Loki and (Y/N). "Well this is confusing." I state, noticing that Tony also walks over

"Im concerned." He stated, stuffing his hands in his pockets "And a little suprised that you haven't tried to kill him yet. I thought you and (Y/N) were basically sisters."

I rock on my feet a bit as I stare at the pair, nodding "Yeah. But she looks very peaceful right now, and she hasnt been sleeping the best since...well you know, so I want her to rest up as much as she can." I say, moving one of my hands over to brush some hair out of her face, and behind her ear.

Loki seemed to stir a tiny bit, his muscles tensing until I moved my hand away.

-Your POV-

I start to wake up, suprised by the cool surface I was resting on. I opened my eyes, looking up to see a face. Wait a face? I blink a few times, reaching up to gently poke them. Yep thats real. I took a nap on Loki, the god of mischeif.

He starts to seem to wake up as well, and I try to not disturb him as I get up, turning to see Natasha. I take a deep breath in, waving a bit.

Natasha set down what she was holding, starting to sign [What happened that ended up with you sleeping there] she asked

I started to explain how he could talk to me telepathically, and how much I had missed hearing people talk, and I saw her expression soften [Ok, just be careful around him. We dont know if he is fully cleared yet.]

I nod slightly, going to get some breakfast. I was just glad that no one blew up about it. I half expected Tony to, since I saw him making his cursed energy drink coffee.

I made a gagging motion as Tony looked over and sipped on his 'coffee,' earning a small laugh- I think-

I ran some actual water through the machine before making my own coffee, making sure to not get any of his disgusting concoction in my drink.

I see Thor walk in, him being one of the early risers. He had a pop tart package in hand, setting them down to talk with me [Im suprised he is asleep. He will probably wake up soon, but he would often have] he trailed off, his face furrowing [I dont know the word] he signed after he saw my confused expression

I hand him a piece of paper, and he wrote down 'Night terrors'. I clutched the paper, glancing over at Loki, who was sitting up now, running his hand through his hair.

I look up at Thor, giving him a small smile [Dont worry, I wont tell him you told me.] I signed, walking past him as Loki walked over [Thank you for talking to me]

Loki rubbed his eye a bit, setting his hand on my shoulder as he passed "No problem" he spoke in my mind.

I smile more, going back over to grab my coffee before going to my room.

I finished drinking it while watching the news, before changing into more workout appropriate clothes. Natasha said that she would help me train up my muscles again, so I could start going on missions soon. I know that the 'soon' she said was father into the future than I wished, but it was improvement, so I agreed.

I made my way down the small staircase, looking for my water bottle in the cabinet, scrunching up my face as I saw it missing.

I glanced around, before opening the fridge to grab a single use bottle instead.

I smile as I see my water bottle in the fridge, a note on it [I thought I'd cool the water down for you] It read, signed by Natasha

I took it, smiling as I made my way down to the training deck, setting down my water as I put up my hair. Natasha of course was already there, sparring with Steve. Bucky was sitting on the sidelines, likely to have been Steve's earlier training partner.

I joined him, offering him a clean towel [How long have you been up?]

He wiped off his forehead before letting the towel rest on his shoulders [About 5 or 6] He told me, making me glance at the clock. It was 8.

[you should probably stop for the day.] I tell him, my last gesture a bit agressive so I could get across my firmness. He seemed to laugh at the gesture a bit, ruffling my hair, getting up.

I smile as Steve joins Bucky, them probably joking around with eachother as they leave. Natasha walks over to me [Ten bucks they start dating by the end of the month.] I tell Natasha, who gives me a smirk [Ten bucks that it takes more than a week] she signs to me.

We chat about our bet a little bit longer while I do my streching, Natasha joining me to keep her limbs loose.

We did our normal workout together, only sparring after it. Nat started with a punch, which I half blocked, half moved the force to not hit me directly. I used the opertunity to kick her side, her arm blocking most of the hit.

We kept going for a while, until Natasha knocked me onto my back, a few bruises on both of us. I stayed there, not wanting to get up. My eyes were closed, and my arms were sprawled out. I jolted as I felt something cold touch my head, soon recognizing it as my water bottle. Loki was holding it.

I stood up, taking a drink from it [How long have you been watching?] I ask him after I got enough water to quench my dehydration

[Lady Natasha said I joined just a bit after you started sparring. You did nicely.] He signed, handing me a towel as well

[Maybe you should come join next time.] I tell him [No magic though.]

He puts a fake pout on his face [Why? You scared you're gonna loose?] He questions, teasing me

[Yes.] I sign stingily, watching a smirk grow on his face. I quickly jab his side, making him double over a little bit. He probably made some sort of noise in pain, as I see Thor turn to look at us quickly. I huff, walking to the elevator, seeing Thor talking to Loki, probably about how Loki annoyed me.

I couldn't care at the moment, only wanting to shower and change back into my more comfortable clothes.

Word Count: 1,218

Loud Trickster In A Quiet World, A Loki x Deaf ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now