27.Back to normal?

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Yes, it's been a while. For a brief explanation, one reason is because my mental health has been iffy. The second is that with one of the more recent Wattpad updates, I am unable to write while offline. Which is a big issue for me, because I do MOST of my writing while offline.

It'd been a while since you'd waken up, started PT, and got to talk to Nat again. She would stay with you often, and Loki would use the time to nap, but would always wake up if anyone else walked in the room.

After your physical state had gotten a lot better than it had been, you were finally released from the med bay, and were free to roam around (though advised not to-).

It felt nice to have an actual room with proper walls again. To have a comfortable bed that had space enough for three people. To have a shower available wherever you wanted.

The team had managed to get their schedule cleared, and promised you a movie night, watching whatever you'd like.

Obviously the first thing you did was take a shower, that was just common sense. It was way better than just wiping off your skin with a damp cloth. And definitely felt good on your scalp.

After you got out of the shower, you paused to look at your new scars. The burn marks you knew weren't going to go away, but there were a few in places you didnt realize. Small dashes and circles on your legs and arm, from incisions amongst all the other atrocities.

You carefully found some sweatpants and a long sleeved turtleneck, trying your best to hide them as much as you could. A few still showed on your neck, primarily the back of it, but it was a vast improvement from the hospital scrubs.

Once you felt sufficiently hidden, you decided to make your way to the living room. Most of everyone was already there, with the exception of Banner and Stark. The two would likely only show up after food got here, since they easily got caught up with work.

You sat down between Loki and Natasha, tucking your legs up into your chest, helping you feel more secure. No one really questioned your behavior, since all of the team knew that it was normal for what you'd been through.

Everyone put a movie title in a box, and a random one was pulled. Tony announced it, but you obviously couldn't hear it. You found out quickly that it was How to Train your Dragon, suggested by Thor. Someone had brought it up once, and he'd been wanting to watch it for a while.

Loki also looked curious, but didn't express it as much as Thor did. But of course, since you always spent so much time with him, you could see the the little changes in his expression that told you what he was feeling.

You didn't seem to notice the fact that you were watching Loki more than the movie. He turned to glance at you once, offering you a small smile while no one was watching.

Not his normal, iconic smirk. No no no, this was a wholehearted, innocent smile.

You felt your face heat up, and turned to face the movie, seeing the scene where toothless and Hikkup were just beating the giant boss dragon.

Loki shifted and gently grabbed your hand "I heard there is two more of these movies, would you mind showing me them another time?"

I nodded, leaning into his side as he lifted his arm up so I had the space to do so. He must've noticed that I was feeling a bit tired. Sure, he had carried me most of the way to the living room, but I still had to get myself changed and comfortable, which was quite tiring. Not to mention brushing your hair.

You tried your best to stay awake through the whole movie, and almost did, but ended up falling sleep, nestled into Loki's side, safe in his arms, and with your family.

"Settle down, you're going to wake her." Natasha scolded as Thor and Tony started to get a little too amped up with their conversation. Moving around enough to shake the ground a but

Thor was usually better about being quiet when one or more of the team was sleeping, but also, Thor was quite prone to social drinking. And often got a little clumsy when drunk.

Thor glanced over at you, setting his glass down "Perhaps I've had enough to drink."

"Perhaps you had enough to drink about 10 minutes ago." Loki said, glaring at Thor from across the room.

"I'm surprised that he hasn't tried to stab you yet." Tony remarked, grinning at Loki "I guess he doesn't want to move enough to wake her up either~"

Loki turned his glare to Tony, moving one hand to magic up an illusion of a daggar being shot twords Tony, but it just disappeared before hitting him.

Loki would have loved for it to be much more real, but was satisfied with the shock knocking Tony off his seat. "One day I'm gonna find a way to scare you." Tony grumbled as he got back up "I need another drink..."

"Brother, why don't you move her to her room? Wasn't she going to be cleared for staying in her room tonight anyways?" Thor asked, glancing at his brother

"I don't want her to wake up alone in a different place. I'll move her to the medical wing, and take her to her room tomorrow." Loki said, very slowly and gently picking you up.

You shifted and moved to very gently grip Loki's shirt, letting out a small sigh at the movement. Loki stilled for a moment before walking twords the elevator, ignoring the team's looks of 'You fell HARD'.


Loud Trickster In A Quiet World, A Loki x Deaf ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now