53. Lost Memories

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Two gangsters came to Zahira's flat the next day to pick up the stuff they'd left with her. Zahira knew one of them, Dante, as being high up in the gang's current hierarchy. He scared her the most.

"You haven't told anyone about us leaving things here, have you?" He asked her. Dante had very narrow eyes that were as cold as a fish. Zahira shook her head. "No? Not even a man who claims to come from the sky?"

Zahira broke into a sweat. She must have been spotted with Orion. She cowered nervously and braced for trouble. Idiot, she silently cursed herself. She hadn't thought about the gang suspecting her.

"I haven't told him anything." 

Dante moved in to stand close and Zahira flinched. They were alone in the room. Dante's brother was in the kitchen – gathering together their gear. Zahira tried to retreat but her back was against the wall and she was trapped. Dante cocked his head at her. 

"You sure about that?"

She nodded. "Because if I think you're lying to me..." The threat was clear in his voice. Zahira stared at Dante, her eyes wide and terrified.

"I...I swear I'm not." She stammered.

She heard the click of a knife and her heart pounded nervously.

"If you rat us out, we'll kill you."

Zahira's blood turned cold. She nodded. The knife clicked, hidden away once more. "Good girl."

Dante turned and left the room, going to help his brother with the gear. 

Zahira remained pressed against the wall. Her knees trembled and she held her breath, listening in on the two men talking. 

Good girl...

It was the same phrase again. And again, she couldn't explain why she hated it so much. Perhaps, because it didn't mean what it pretended to. 

The gangsters slammed the door shut on their way out and Zahira breathed a sigh of relief. She wished that she'd never gotten involved with the gang. She wished that she could hide away from them. She wished that they'd forget that she even existed. 

Delayed tears filled Zahira's eyes and she crumpled to the ground.


Sage pursed her lips thoughtfully, her gaze on the God of Desire. She'd been trying her best to avoid him, wary of his love arrows. But the Love God always seemed to be in the café these days and Sage was becoming eaten up with curiosity. Why?

Eros was sat at a small table by the window. The sunlight streaming through the window was making his snow-white hair shine. Why was he here? Shoulders rigidly set, Sage finally caved and approached him – with wary, mistrusting eyes.

"You're here a lot." She observed flatly. Eros broke from his reverie and blinked at her. Girls on a table nearby table swooned and sighed, and Sage couldn't entirely blame them. She cleared her throat and focused. "Aren't you interested in the war going on above us?"

"Between the parents I don't remember?" Eros shook his head. Cocking his head to the side, Eros quickly took the opportunity to study Sage's heart. Unlike Jaz's feelings, Eros could read Sage's very easily. He sighed.

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