9. Shot in the Heart

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Ezekiel helped Sage to her feet.

"I'm fine," she reassured him – brushing dirt off her back. Ezekiel grunted, unappeased. He glowered at Ares who was still slumped on the ground. "Ezekiel, no!" But it was too late. Ezekiel kicked Ares in the stomach. "Stop it!" Sage attempted to drag Ezekiel away from Ares. People around them looked up, ready to intervene until they recognised the Mad Dog. Then – they sat back down and wisely pretended that they hadn't seen anything.


"He hurt you!" It was the first time Ezekiel had raised his voice at her. Sage didn't flinch. She wasn't scared of the Mad Dog. Strangely, she felt confident that he wouldn't hurt her.

"He's not well. Look at him."

Ezekiel scowled unhappily as she left him and went to Ares' side.

"Ares?" Sage rolled Ares onto his back. The war god groaned in agony, the invisible arrow sinking deeper into his chest. "What's wrong?" Sage leant closer and whispered in his ear. "Are we in danger?" Was it his family? Had they hurt him in some way?

"You smell nice." Ares replied, smiling dopily. 

She stared at him. Was he drunk?

"Leave him, I'll walk you home." Ezekiel grunted. Sage bit her lip – unsure what to do. She looked around, her gaze wary.  

"We shouldn't leave him like this..." She countered. Ares sat up suddenly, making Sage flinch. They were nose to nose. She blinked – disarmed by him being suddenly so close.

Ares stared at her and Sage's lips parted in surprise. His eyes were glowing. She got up quickly, blocking Ezekiel from seeing Ares' face. "He's fine. We should go." She moved fast, grabbing Ezekiel's wrist and dragging him away with her. Her stomach writhed uncomfortably. She couldn't let the Mad Dog find out Ares' secret.

As she towed Ezekiel along after her, she got out her phone and quickly texted Jaz.

Zorg is on Castle Hill. Think he's hurt. I can't help him right now.

Sage was a little out of breath by the time they reached the residential area. She slowed her steps and let go of Ezekiel's wrist. Her phone buzzed from Jaz's reply.

On my way.

She'd done all she could. If she hadn't gotten Ezekiel out of there then he'd have seen Ares' freaky eyes. She'd had to leave to stop the Mad Dog from getting mixed up with everything. 

But Sage's gut still twisted uncomfortably. What if Ares was in danger and she'd just left him all alone?

"You're worrying about him." Ezekiel's voice was gruff and Sage realised that he'd been studying her face.

"What – no. Definitely not." She denied quickly – shaking her head and tucking her hair behind her ear. Ezekiel scowled.

"I hate that guy."

"He's just an ordinary guy." Sage interjected – keen to emphasize this point. Ordinary. 

They were nearly back at her apartment now – having power-walked in record time.

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