11. A Change of Plan

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Jacob felt himself come alive as he took in the sights and smells of the market town. This was why he loved being a sailor. Sure, he loved his ship and the camaraderie with his crew, but this was where his true passion lay, in discovering new things to buy and bring home. He wished with all his heart that this was what he would be doing today, but that wasn't the purpose of this visit. Today he was buying the bare essentials. The things that his family and others from their island needed just to survive.

Each of his crew had been set tasks to complete while on land. James was in charge of acquiring food, Marco farming equipment, Pete wool and cloth, Lyle armoury, and Jacob some building materials.

The port town was bustling as usual, and Jacob spent longer than he should perusing all the goods laid out on the harbour wall. It was an ever-changing array of merchandise. As new ships came in, the variety of items constantly changed. There was never a quiet moment and Jacob loved it.

By the evening, Jacob had managed to scope out his options and they had sold most of their own cargo to fund tomorrow's purchases.

As the traders were starting to pack up their goods, Jacob made his way up the hill, away from the harbour and market stalls, to a little Inn called The Braying Donkey that he liked to stay at whenever he was here.

"Well if it isn't my favourite Captain!" came the cheery voice of Sally McGuinness as he entered.

Jacob smiled and walked over to Sally, letting her throw her arms around him and give him a squeeze. Jacob let out a chuckle.

"Good to see you again Sally," he said, as she moved back to look at him properly.

"You're looking very well Captain," she said with a sparkle in her eye.

"And so are you," the Captain replied politely.

It was true though, she was looking well. Her brown hair looked shiny and thick, and was cascading down past her shoulders in lovely ringlets. She was quite a voluptuous lady, but she always used this to her advantage, wearing corsets that pinched in her waist, drawing everyone's eyes to her rounded bottom and heaving bosom.

Jacob had to admit that his eye would sometimes wander too, but having known Sally since he was a mere teen, he saw her as a bit of a motherly figure so would never consider doing more than look.

"Well ain't you just the kindest," Sally said with an exaggerated wink. "Now would you be looking for a room for the night?"

"That I would," Jacob replied, following Sally over to the small bar.

Sally reached under the bar and produced a key.

"The best room for my favourite Captain," she replied, handing Jacob a key.

Jacob had worried in the past that Sally was after more than just pleasant conversation, but he'd come to learn that this was just Sally's way. She was naturally flirtatious.

"Do you need a hand with any luggage?" she asked as a large looming figure appeared by Sally's side.

And there was the reason that Sally could get away with all her flirtations without attracting any unwanted attention.

Barny could only be described as a giant of a man. In every way. He was at least 6ft 8 and had arms the size of Jacob's thighs. His natural resting face was a deep-set scowl that made him constantly look like someone had shat in his supper. Jacob had never heard him speak. His limited communications were just a series of grunts.

He stuck out his hand and gave Jacob's a hearty shake, accompanied by a grunt of greeting.

Barny was Sally's older brother and a gem of a human being. He'd regularly helped Jacob load and unload his ship, asking for nothing in return, although Jacob would often give him little trinkets he'd picked up on his travels as a thank you. Jacob always found it amusing that such a large man would take such delight in collecting the most delicate of objects.

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