Chapter 3

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"There is no yeblya choice to make!!! I don't give a blyad' what anyone else says!!! And I will yeblya end Tasha yeblya Ozera long before that ever yeblya happens." I said forcefully. (fucking, fuck, fucking, fucking, fucking)

"Then you have the next sixteen to twenty-four hours to get your ass out of this fucking mess that you have gotten yourself into!!! To dig yourself out of this shit hole that you have been digging yourself into deeper and deeper since the day that you first met Rose."

"But how, we still can't be together it is against the law?!"

"The human law you mean. But even the human law states that the age of consent is sixteen in Montana, Pennsylvania and in Russia. By our laws, the age of consent is also sixteen. Everywhere."

"Really?" This information shocked me to my core.

"Dimitri, you are the fucking Ivashkov prince you should already know that!!"

"Shhh!!!" I hissed as I looked around trying to make sure that no one else had overheard him.

"Why are you still trying to keep that a secret? You don't even have to pretend to be a guardian anymore, you know that too."

I sighed, "follow me."

I took my cousin to my room, here at the ski lodge, and locked the door behind us.

"All right, we are sequestered away from everyone else on Earth so spill. Why are you still hiding who you really are?"

"I wanted to make sure that whoever the woman was who claimed to love me. Actually loves me and not my crown, my title, my power, my influence and my money."

"All right, I will admit that that does make some sense, especially in your position. But why didn't you know the age of consent in our world, you studied our laws just like I did?"

I sighed. "I didn't think that I would ever need to know that, so I just barely skimmed over it."

He just rolled his eyes at me. "Well, there is something else that you should know about Rose."

"What?" I asked as I pointed to a chair for him to sit down in. I took the only other chair in the severely sparsely decorated room. If it weren't for his tone of voice, I would have been worried about what he was about to say to me about my Roza. I didn't think that I could take any more of the things that he was telling me about earlier. But thanks to his tone of voice and the look on his face I didn't jump straight to the assumption that something else was terribly wrong.

"Well, the first thing is that the darkness is fueling and driving how Rose is thinking, feeling, acting and reacting right now. It is one of the main reasons why she feels the way that she just tried to explain to you. Not that the way that you or any of her other supposed to be 'friends,' have been treating, more like ignoring, her has helped any. It has actually made it easily a hundred thousand times worse for her."

"Wait, darkness? Like your darkness?!!!" I asked as I jumped up out of my chair and started pacing around my room.

"Yes Dimka, you know that Rose and Lissa are bonded. Did you not ever stop to think and wonder where Lissa's darkness was going? Come on cuz you're smarter than that, I know for a fact that you are. You know what the darkness does to me. Have you ever seen or even heard, of Lissa acting and reacting like I have, like Rose was earlier?" He asked me as he stood up from his chair too.

"No. No, I haven't." I sighed in frustration.

"And why do you think that is exactly, you numbskull?"

I spun back around to look him in the eye. "Wait, do you mean that my Roza is taking Lissa's spirit induced murderous rages, pain, mania, manic episodes, hallucinations, delusions, voices and suicidal depression?!"

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