Girl Meet Pilot

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I stood leaning against the wall down the subway as I watched my sister and her friend, I saw them interact with Dweezil, a street performer who I helped set up a permanent spot down here, he had offered to watch the pair for me when they came down here. I nodded to Gretchen and her friends as they walked passed me, they went towards Maya's direction and also talked to the two. The train came and I went to board when I saw a guy looking around lost.

"Hey kid" I called and he turned to me "You lost?".

"Yeah, I'm trying to find the train that leads to here" he showed me his map and I pointed to the train behind me "Oh thank you so much" he smiled then went on to the train, and I followed after a minute. During the ride I saw that he got acquainted with Maya and Riley, I rolled my eyes at their interactions, we reached our destination and the two pre-teen girls walked away with arms linked together, I saw the guy walking in the same direction but ignored it and went on my way. I walked down the hall of John Quincy Adams Middle School, students ignoring my presence because they feared me and not even 15% of the school has ever spoken to me, hell not even 3%, I entered my first class and sat in the back, a couple of minutes later my sister and her best friend walk into the room. Maya Hart and Riley Matthews, the duo that could do no wrong. Funny thing was that Riley and I were close as kids but then my black hair grew white streaks, my complexion went porcelain white which brought out my naturally pink lips and my eyes lost their chocolate brown color to turn into light grey with a reddish-pink hue. The doctors told my mother and me that it was a mutation of the albino genes in my system and that's when I realized that Maya was my half-sibling, Riley saw me and screamed in my face before running away calling me a monster, I went home crying that day but no one came to comfort me and the next day I saw Maya and Riley together and they've been together since.

"You have to do the homework, Maya," Riley told my sister "The teacher's insane, a total nut job."

"Hi, honey" I watched as they spoke to the teacher, Corey Matthews, Riley's father, and a hypocritical teacher. He only teaches a subject that reflects his daughter and her little group's lives leaving the rest of the class to either listen or get left behind, I was to be in a grade higher but my mother didn't want Maya to be by herself in a new school so she had the school hold me back a grade so that I could protect Maya "You're late to your father's class".

"Oh, don't worry, Mr. Matthews," my sister said rustling through her pockets and pulling out a folded paper "You wrote her a note".

"I did?".

"He did?" Riley asked equally as confused as her father when she handed him the paper.

"You did".

"Riley is late, deal with it" he read and I rolled my eyes, he lets them get away with any and everything with no repercussions while the rest of us has to walk on eggshells around him because he was a authoritative personnel. Corey, as I call him in my head as I have no respect for him, went on with today's lesson and during the middle subway boy came in.

"Who are you? I don't know who you are" Corey questioned.

"I'm Lucas Friar from Austin, Texas" Lucas introduced with a smile.

"Oh, new student, Mr. Friar?" I rolled my eyes.

'No Corey he's the president and was taking a stroll' I thought.

"Yes sir".

"Great, you're just in time for today's assignment" I swear I could see hearts in Riley's eyes from my seat "Have a seat, okay, so we..." Corey paused and turned his daughter's head to face him "So I'd like you guys to open your books to page 48, now I'd like you to turn to page one and now I'd like you to read from page one to 48" everyone groaned "Oh, too bad on you, okay, so for tonight's assignment, I'd like you to write me a three-page essay on anything... Anything at all that you guys believes in so strongly you'd fight for it".

"That! I'd fight for no homework" my sister spoke standing up "I come here every day, why can't you teach me everything I need to know while I'm here?" Maya started a rebel right there in the classroom and the person who was to be the adult and the teacher turned to another student to ask her to stop Maya but it backfired as Riley joined the rebel to prove she was just like my sister. I sat back watching as the class spun out of control and smirked at the thought that finally both girls would be punished.

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