KoSen/Kaiburaba - Kiss Scene

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Kaibara stood on the stage, staring at his lines. Both he and Tsuburaba had been selected to be the main roles in a play the Drama Department had decided to host for Pride Month. Kaibara had no problem with acting, especially if he got to act with his best friend.

It was just Act 1 Scene 5.

"A kiss scene?" Tsuburaba screeched at Kendo. The orange - haired girl shrugged and went back to the set piece she was helping to paint.

"You two are practically the biggest gays in school. We didn't want to risk making people come out or having people who aren't attracted to the same gender to do it."

Tsuburaba huffed and folded his arms. "Technically, Bakugou and Kirishima are the biggest gays in school. You could search PDA, and under images the first thing you would see is a picture of them."

"You know even Kirishima couldn't get Bakugou to act. Besides, his personality is a bit too..." Kendo trailed off.


"Tsuburaba!" Kendo chastised.

Tetsutetsu laughed as he brought out more paint buckets for the backdrop. "I wouldn't phrase it like that, but yeah."

"Then what about Monoma and Shinsou? We all know Monoma flaunts his relationship every time he has a chance to." Tsuburaba asked, not giving up.

Kendo raised an eyebrow. "Have you forgotten that Monoma is sick?"

Oh. Right.

They had been going out to a park as a class outing before it started raining. Because Monoma was just so... Monoma, he has decided to be adamant and run all the way back to school in only his sweater. Because of that, he ended up getting a cold.

"I don't know why you're so hung up about it anyway. It's just a kiss scene." Kendo added.

Of course it was just a kiss scene.

A kiss scene that was with his best friend that he had been pining over for 2 years.

Just great.

Tsuburaba sighed and faced Kaibara. "You okay with doing this?"

Kaibara shrugged. "I'm fine. It's just a kiss, like Kendo said. It doesn't have to mean anything." He replied.

"You might want to practice though. It probably wouldn't be ideal for you guys to show up to rehearsals and accidentally hurt your lips or something. Monoma is still fretting over the fact that he can't act, so if he at least approves of it during the rehearsals, it might let him feel more at ease." Tetsutetsu mentioned, grabbing an empty can near Kendo and passing her another one filled with the same color. Kendo smiled at him in thanks, and he gave a thumbs up in return, before heading backstage.

Tsuburaba couldn't stop the small blush that dusted his cheeks.


That meant he would end up kissing Kaibara, multiple times.

Tsuburaba wanted to slap himself.

No feelings, just practice.

Even though the idea of it not just being practice certainly had a slight appeal to it.

"We'll just start with the other scenes and work on that last." Tsuburaba heard Kaibara say.

"That's fine. It's probably for the best anyway, we can't have Tsuburaba throwing a fit when he's already in too deep." Kendo replied, before she stood up and stretched.

"As if I would do that." Tsuburaba muttered, rolling his eyes. Kendo gave him a lazy grin and walked backstage as well, probably to change out of the overalls she was wearing.

"We should get back to the play." Kaibara reminded him.

Tsuburaba perked up. "Oh, yeah. Sure, let's."


"So um, how exactly do we do this?" Tsuburaba asked, fiddling with the hem of his zip-up jacket. It was rather light, like the one on his hero costume.

"I'm not sure." Kaibara mused, grabbing his laptop. "We could just Google it or something."

"It's just putting lips together, how can it be so hard that we have to Google it?" If he was being honest, Tsuburaba just wanted to get it over with. Unfortunately (rather fortunately, but let him sulk), they still had a week to practice this section now that they've pretty much gotten all the other parts down.

Kaibara turned to face him. "If you say so." He shrugged.

Tsuburaba moved closer to his friend, letting their knees bump together. Suddenly, Tsuburaba felt a wave of shyness overcome him.

"So, who should initiate?" He asked, rubbing the back of his head.

Kaibara looked down at the script. "It should be Romeo, so you I guess." He informed.

Nodding, Tsuburaba leaned in slightly, moving slowly so as to give the other a chance to back out, even though the brunet didn't expect him to.

After what felt like an eternity, Tsuburaba felt the feeling of lips on lips, leaning in more to make it more firm. A few seconds passed before he pulled back, opening his eyes slowly and taking in the expression of the raven haired boy.

"That was nice." Kaibara mumbled, almost wistfully.

No, Tsuburaba wanted to say. It was more than nice. It was amazing. Even if there was no special technique, just the feeling of being close to Kaibara had the butterflies in his stomach fluttering dangerously. In a way, it felt both too short and too long.

Tsuburaba didn't know just how much of that he could take.

"Yeah. It was." Tsuburaba opted to say, smiling.


The two continued their 'practice' during the rest of the week, even though after the first 3 days they didn't really need anymore practice. It's not like they would be making out on stage.

Soon enough, rehearsals came. Monoma had approved of the run - through, even if he pouted the entire time since he so desperately wanted to be the one up there on the stage instead.

Cue the weekend, and boom. Play Day. Reveal of the Romantics. Drama Donna. Antics of Anceint Times.

"Could you please shut up?" Shiozaki hissed, covering the microphone of her headset. Tsuburaba grinned sheepishly and went back to take his position behind the curtain.

"Welcome everyone!" Tsunotori announces. "To the Pride Month special drama adaptation: Romeo and Julius!"

Tsuburaba breathes in and out. 'I can do this'  he tells himself.


"That was fun." Kaibara commented, once they were out of costume and lounging in Tsuburaba's room.

Tsuburaba shrugged in response, before looking at the ceiling. 

"Hey, Kai?"


"Can I kiss you again?"

Kaibara raises an eyebrow. "But the play is over."

Tsuburaba blushed. "I know but, I just really want to um, continue. That. Kissing. But um, more than that. Like dates. And flowers. But only if you want flowers! But you're allergic to daffodils, right? I remember you mentioning it-"

Kaibara huffs out a laugh, short and sweet, and it pulls Tsuburaba out of his ramble.

Tsuburaba looks at his friend to glare at him for laughing at his expense, but the words die on the tip of his tongue once he sees the soft smile Kaibara gives him.

And the raven haired boy says one thing.


And Tsuburaba does.

WORDS - 1170

{BNHA/MHA} Rarepair OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora