KoSen/Kaiburaba - Straightforward

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Tsuburaba had been interested with Kaibara ever since they first met on that fateful day in the U.A entrance exams. He had seen the boy and was mesmerized by his beauty, his skill, his tactics, like damn, the guy was good. After that day, Tsuburaba made a mental promise to himself that he would see that boy, and become his friend.

That first part was the hardest. Kaibara had been rather stoic with him in the beginning, but he acted like that to almost everyone else, so Tsuburaba wasn't deterred. Eventually he warmed up and they became the best of friends. With this position came hanging out while playing video games, going with Kaibara when he took pictures, and then those times they went jogging together.

One of his most memorable moments was when he first watched Kaibara take pictures. The boy was always so concentrated on taking the perfect picture. If Tsuburaba had any less shame, he would have just told Kaibara to take a picture of himself.

When Tsuburaba had asked why Kaibara did photography when he got so anxious about taking a perfect picture, the other male had stared at the ground, probably thinking of his answer.

"I guess taking pictures is my 'happy place' of sorts. When I busy myself with taking good pictures, I don't have to worry about anything else." He admitted.

"Anyways, we should get back." Kaibara added, turning around to head back to school. As Tsuburaba watched him go, his face grew into a grin, and he felt happy. Kaibara must have a lot of trust in him to confide that kind of thing to Tsuburaba, so he would gladly go on all of Kaibara's photography trips, if it meant he could see the raven haired boy happy.


It was 2 years later and they were third - years, but that didn't mean his feelings hadn't stopped growing. Now, his heart beat started racing every time he saw Kaibara for the first time on a new day, and his heart hurt when he saw that Kaibara was in any pain, physical, emotional or mental. Then there were times he would just want to hold Kaibara, to make him feel safe, loved. He always wondered what dating Kaibara would be like, but he restricted those feelings to himself. He couldn't, wouldn't ruin their friendship.

He and Kaibara were on one of their normal exploration trips. It was basically just them wandering around U.A until Kaibara found a good spot to take a picture. A lot of times, he would take pictures of the scenery with and without Tsuburaba. The reason he had two was because he wanted one for the scenery alone, and one that focused on how the scenery reflected on Tsuburaba. Kaibara had said that he wanted to work on taking pictures of people, and it was going pretty well actually. Well, at least from Tsuburaba's point of view. Kaibara always muttered about something or the other that wasn't right, but to Tsuburaba, they looked perfect. But then again, Kaibara was the photographer between the two of them, so he wouldn't judge his opinion.

They sat on a small bench to rest as Tsuburaba thought of these things, and he accidentally let a small sigh past his lips. Just to make it worse, Kaibara had heard it and he had turned to face Tsuburaba.

"Is something wrong?" he asked earnestly, looking at Tsuburaba with concern etched into his face. His face didn't actually look all that different but Tsuburaba had learned how to read Kaibara's expressions.

At that moment Tsuburaba wanted to cry. He couldn't tell his friend the truth, but some embellishing wouldn't hurt anyone, would it? "I'm in love with someone and have been dropping them hints for 2 years now, though they never seem to notice."

Kaibara frowned slightly. "The person sounds really stupid."

Tsuburaba frantically waved his hands around, trying to gesture out to Kaibara to not say that. Finally putting a hand on his neck, he countered Kaibara's indirect insult to himself. "They're not stupid. In fact, they're one of the smartest people I know. They're just really dense."

Kaibara hummed in thought. "Well, instead of hints, just be straightforward, like 'Hey! I love you!"

Tsuburaba's eyes widened at the sudden realization. Just be straightforward.

'No time like the present to confess, right?' Tsuburaba thought nervously.

"Okay..." he mumbled. "Hey Sen! I love you!"

Kaibara gave a small smile.

"Exactly!" Kaibara cheered. "Just say that to them!"

Tsuburaba's heart broke into tiny pieces.

"I'm sorry Kousei, but if this does go over their head, they're not good enough for you."

Tsuburaba was just wishing for someone to kill him and his horrible love life at that point.

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