MonoShin - Coming Out

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Happy Pride Month!


"Yes father?"

The King raised his eyes from the scroll he was reading to look at Monoma. "We'll be having a ball next week, and the Kendo Family will be attending. Do you know what this means?"

Monoma inaudibly sighed, but kept his facial expression the same. "That I must try to woo their daughter."

The King gave a small smile as he closed the scroll. "Exactly. Remember, this is for your future for when you become King. You'll need a Queen beside you, especially if you are to have a heir."

"I understand Father."

"A ball?"

"Yes. It's another one of my father's attempts at getting me to wed Princess Kendo." Monoma explained.

Shinsou gave Monoma a look of pity. "You still haven't told him about your gender preferences?"

Monoma sighed as he flopped unto his bed. "I want to but, I don't want to disappoint him. He's been nagging me about getting married and having a heir to rule when I'm gone."

"Do you think he'll be disappointed because of who you are?" Shinsou looked down at the prince. "It's not like he's exactly against male with male relationships."

"He's not against them because he knows that his son isn't part of that community." Monoma muttered.

"I'm not going to force you to do it Neito, but you should tell him at least that." Shinsou advised.

Monoma breathed out another sigh has he hugged Shinsou. "I'm not ashamed of myself or who I like, and I'm not ashamed of our relationship either, but Hitoshi, I'm scared. I'm scared of what Father will think if he finds out. You know he only thinks I should be with other royals."

Shinsou said nothing to the admission, because what was he to say? He himself was scared as well, but he pushed those feelings down to stroke the blond's hair in what he hoped would be a comforting way.

"This is so boring." Kendo sighed, playing with the golden cup in her hand.

"Would you like to dance then, m'lady?" Monoma smiled, as one of the other royal families passed.

Kendo snorted at his facade, taking a sip of her drink. "Seeing you try to woo me is so fun." She dropped the cup on the table behind her. "But I think I'll see how Prince Testutetsu is doing instead. He told me he was working on a new metal ore he had found last time we talked."

Monoma sighed. "Thanks Kendo. If anyone asks, just say I ran to use the restroom."

Kendo gave him a thumbs up as she held the hems of her gown and ran towards where Tetsutetsu was standing, and he turned to smile at her as they engaged in conversation.

As the door behind him creaked open, Shinsou turned to greet the only person who could be there. "Hey Neito."

"Hey Hitoshi." Monoma replied.

"Why aren't you downstairs? Won't your father be mad?" Shinsou asked.

Monoma waved his hand in a dismissive manner. "Kendo's with Tetsutetsu anyway. No point in staying."

Shinsou hummed as Monoma approached him, putting his hands on Shinsou's shoulders.

"C'mon Shinsou! Let's dance! I can still here the music from here." Monoma grinned.

Shinsou exhaled a sigh. "Fine, but we need a cover story if anyone comes in."

"You were helping me with my slow dancing so that I could prepare to woo Princess Kendo." Monoma answered swiftly.

"Haven't we used that one before?"

"That was the waltz. This is different."

"Alright then." Shinsou finally relented, placing his hands on Monoma's hips. The two began to sway with one another, though it was more of shuffling, so it would be easier to separate if someone suddenly entered.

Monoma lightly rested his head on Shinsou's collarbone, exhaling softly. "This is so much better than that stuffy ball."

Shinsou chuckled. "I wouldn't know but maybe."

Monoma brought his head up, staring at Shinsou with determination. "Well you will."

"What do you mean?" Shinsou raised an eyebrow.

"I'm going to tell my father. About us." Monoma said seriously.

"What about having a heir? Your kingdom-"

Monoma pressed a finger to Shinsou's lips to stop him. "Let's take it slow, alright? First let's start with this," Monoma took one of Shinsou's hands, pressing a kiss to the back of it, "Then we can worry about everything else."

"Do you know how much I love you?"

"I know Hitoshi. I love myself very much too."

Monoma gave a small laugh as Shinsou playfully punched him in the arm. "Do you ever have that feeling that everything's going to be fine?"

Shinsou gave a soft smile. "Yeah."

"Well I feel like that right now."

"We can only hope."

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