ShishiMoura/HairBall - Hair

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"You don't have to do this." Moura tells him, as he sits in their bathtub.

"Nonsense." Shishikura says, grabbing the shampoo bottle. "A true hero like myself would never back down from a challenge."

"This is exactly why you get into trouble with villains stronger than you all the time."

"I never do that, for I know my limits. I'm incredibly strong, so all the villains I go against have lower skill levels than me."

"Uh huh. Like that villain with a corrosive quirk that nearly burned your skin, right?" Moura replied, unconvinced.

Shishikura ignores him in favor of uncapping the bottle and squeezing a generous amount of shampoo on it.

"I keep telling you, you don't have to do this."

"I'm your boyfriend now Moura, it's part of the job description."

Moura inwardly smiled. It was nice hearing Seiji say his given name. "Washing your partners hair is part of the job description?"

"Nope. Doing nice things for the person you like." Shishikura answers, as his hands find their way into his hair. "Besides, I don't want dirt getting all over my couch whenever you come over."

Mora breathes out a laugh at the all too typical Seiji response, and relaxes as his boyfriend massages his hair as he tries to get the dirt out. "Being a pro hero does mean I get dirty every now and then."

"Unfortunately." Shishikura mumbles, as he frowns at the brown soap suds. He rinses them off with the shower nozzle and plops another glob of shampoo unto his hand.

"You won't be able to do it all today." Moura reminds him, as Shishikura starts again.

"I know, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try, does it?"

"Suit yourself, but you don't have to do this." Moura reminds him again.

Shishikura huffs and rolls his eyes. "Would you stop saying that? I know I don't have to do this, but I'm doing it because I like you! Get that through your thick haired skull and please let me continue!"

Silence ensues for about 3 seconds before Moura laughs again.

"Fine, fine. You win."

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