MonoShin/ShinMono - Too Late

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TW For Angst + Major Character Death.

"Don't you fucking die on me Monoma!" Shinsou cried, cradling the head of said blond on his lap.

It was supposed to be simple.

Go undercover, protect one of the Hero Association's partners at their party, get out.

Unfortunately, there had been villains.

They thought they could take them.

Maybe they actually could have, but those villains were prepared.

Shinsou didn't even know had long it had been since the bomb had gone off.

Seconds, minutes, hours, all sense of time had lost him.

Monoma's sharp inhale brought Shinsou back to reality.

"Don't worry," Shinsou said blinking back tears. "I'll save you. We'll get you help." He assured.

Whether that was for him or Monoma, he didn't know.

"It's fine Shinsou." Monoma said wistfully, looking up at him through his eyelashes. "I knew I was going to die one day or another. It's just the risk that comes with being a hero."

"But that doesn't mean you have to!" Shinsou countered. "Monoma, we're a team! A team needs more than one person!"

"Then I guess you'll have to find some new people." Monoma chuckled hoarsely, before dissolving into a coughing fit.

"Nononononono. Stay with me Monoma. Stay with me." Shinsou commanded, looking around, only to see the rubble of the former building.

"Hello!" Shinsou called. "We need help over here! Someone's critically injured!"


Shinsou sighed.

"Hey, Shinsou?" Monoma asked.


"What do you think happens when we die?"

"Nothing." Shinsou said adamantly. "Because none of us are going to die. Not now."

"Don't be so naive Shinsou. Look at me. By the time any help arrives I'll already be gone to the afterlife."

"Miracles can happen! Just look at Midoriya!"

"It's called power Shinsou, not miracles. We both know that."

Shinsou kept silent.

Another while passed as they waited helplessly.

"How far do you think I can run with my broken leg?"

"With me? Probably 5 inches."

Another long while.

Another eternity of feeling hopeless.

Another eternity of waiting for the moment Monoma was going to die.

Monoma coughed.

Just one small, hoarse cough.

But as they say, one small thing can make a big difference.

Before Shinsou knew it, Monoma was doubling over in pain, choked sounds coming from him as Monoma tried getting air into his lungs.

Shinsou tried to help him, to do anything.

Too bad he wasn't a medical hero.

"Shinsou." Monoma called weakly, holding unto the last strings of life.

Shinsou used his already soaked sleeve to wipe away the remaining tears. "Yes?"

"I just wanted you to know..."

His eyes started drooping.

"That I love you."

His eyes fell closed.

Shinsou was shocked.

Monoma stopped breathing.

His heart stopped beating.

Shinsou felt it, yet somehow didn't realize it until it was too late.

"Hey! You can't just say something like that and just die asshole!" Shinsou yelled, pumping Monoma's chest, all an attempt at bringing his friend back.

Shinsou was exhausted.

Exhausted of life.

Exhausted of his responsibilities as a pro.

Exhausted of himself and his cowardice.

"I'm sorry Monoma." He mumbled, repeating it over and over again.

"I'm sorry I didn't say anything until it was too late."

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