Chapter 1

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(edited 8/13/18)

Tris' POV

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around. I meet Tobias' dark blue eyes and a small grin plays on his lips.

"You think giving you a hug would give away too much?" he says.

"You know," I say, "I really don't care."

I stand on my tip toes and press my lips to his. His hands lightly touch my neck, gently glide down my arms, and finally rest firmly on my waist. I run my hands up to his neck and weave my fingers into his hair. It is the best moment of my life. 

I hear a gasp behind me only a few seconds into the kiss. I quickly pull away from Tobias and turn around. Christina stands there with a shocked look on her face. She stands beside Will who looks at us with wide eyes. If I were in a different situation, I may find the looks on their faces hilarious, but all I can feel right now is heat rising to my cheeks.

Christina's shocked face slowly turns into a huge smile, which slowly turns into a light laugh.

"What the hell just happened?" she laughs.

I glance at Tobias, and he has his hands in his pockets while he looks at the ground sheepishly. I look back at Christina and she gives me a questioning look. I feel another rush of heat flow through my cheeks, but I can't help the slight grin that forms. 

"I'll explain later," I state.

She sighs a little, but surprisingly nods her head.

"Fine, but I want detail," she says with a pointed look, and all I can do is laugh and nod.


Today's the choosing ceremony. I would be excited for today had I known what job I want to have for what seems to be the rest of my life. The only job I'm sure I want is an initiate trainer with Tobias, but that's only part time. I've thought about working in the control room so I could be with Tobias, but I don't really want to stare at a computer for the rest of my life. As I think of all of the job options, the tattoo parlor repeatedly comes to mind, but I'm worried that I will mess up and permanently ruin someones body. 

In the midst of my thoughts, Tobias takes a seat next to me on the ledge. I decided to sit at our spot in the chasm so I could have some time to think.

"You seem to be deep in thought," he says while looking at the water splashing against the walls of the chasm. 

He stretches his arms out behind him and puts his weight onto his hands. He seems so calm and at peace; the opposite of his hard exterior that he has up around others. He looks at me.

"Yeah," I say, "I just don't want to regret my job choice. If it's really what I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life, I want to love it." 

"What jobs are you interested in?" I asks with a genuine look of curiosity.

"Well, I was thinking about working in the control room with you, but I realized that that isn't exactly something I want to do for the rest of my life. But as I think over the available jobs, my thoughts keep going back to a tattoo artist." I say, "I'm just not sure that I am cut out for the job. I mean, what if I mess up on the tattoo? It's not like I can just wipe it off and start all over."

Tobias looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed, and I stare back into his eyes, letting the deep blue color consume me.

"I think you should choose what you are going to be happy doing. If you mess up on a tattoo, you can fix it."

As I think about what he said, a smile pulls at my lips.

" I think I know what I'm going to choose."

 "And what would that be?" he asks with a knowing smile.

"I am going to be an initiate trainer and tattoo artist." 

He gets up and pulls me with him.

He says, "I think that's a smart choice. It's something you'll enjoy." He grins at me and I look away when a blush forms on my cheeks. 

The effect he has on me never seizes to surprise me.

So this is my first fanfiction but I am almost positive later on I will rewrite chapters to make them better so please don't judge and give constructive criticism. Love you initiates.

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