Chapter 36

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Tris' POV

It's been about a month since I saw the person in the shadows and there hasn't been a trace of him since.

Initiation is over and everything is back to normal.

I am now five months pregnant and today we get to find out the gender!

My stomach has grown and you can definitely tell that I am pregnant now.

"Hey toby, wake up." I say and shake his arm.

"Why..." he groans.

" Because we need to find out the gender of our little one." I say and touch his lips.

I travel my hand to his cheek and it stays there while I look at him.

"Ok. What do you think the gender will be?" He asks while sitting up, putting his hand over mine.

"I think it will be a boy but I don't care what the gender is, I will love it just the same." I say and smile.

He smiles back and I get up. I grab a loose tank top and leggings and put them on.

I go into the kitchen and grab two muffins and when I walk into the living room, tobias is on his way out of the bedroom.

I toss him a muffin and we walk to the infirmiry hand in hand.

"We need to start thinking about names soon." I say.

"Definitely! But first lets find out the gender." tobias says and smiles.

I laugh and put my head on his shoulder. His arm automatically wraps around my waist and rests on my stomach.

We walk into the infirmiry and check in. Since not very many people are pregnant lately we get let into the maternity wing almost immediately.

We walk in and I lay on the table, tobias right at my side holding my hand.

"Okay four and tris. Lets start this ultrasound, but first, do you guys want to know the gender?" The doctor asks.

She looks really nice and about late twenties, I like this doctor.

"Yes." we both say at the same time and laugh.

"Alright, let's get started. Pull your shirt up and I'm going to apply the cold goo."

I pull up my shirt with my free hand and immediately look at the screen.

She puts the goo and stick on my stomach and moves the stick around.

The screen shows a black and white picture and once the doctor gets in the right position I can see it. The baby.

I can't help it, I cry. This is the first time I have seen our baby in an actual human shape. it's beautiful.

"So I'm going to be putting a little pressure on your lower stomach and it might feel uncomfortable, but it will help me determine the gender."

I nod and she proceeds. She was right, this is uncomfortable.

I look at tobias and he has a tear on his face. I smile and wipe the tear.

I look back at the screen and finally we find out the gender.

"Mr. and Mrs.Number, the gender of your baby is...a boy! Congratulations!"

I smile and look at tobias who is smiling like crazy. I can't help but think about the little boy growing inside of me. I really hope he looks like tobias.

"We're having a boy!" Tobias says.

"We're having a boy!" I laugh and start crying tears of joy.

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