Chapter 35

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Tris' POV

I just got discharged from the hospital during Tobias' lunch break and we're about to surprise everyone at lunch. I even got tobias to let me watch him train with Zeke. Now that should be fun.

"Hey, it's gonna be fine. I'll make sure Chris doesn't squeeze you to hard when she sees you." tobias says to me.

I look down and my hands are trembling, probably how he knew I was nervous before I even knew.

I nod and he picks me up bridal style. I laugh and throw my arms around his neck.

We go into the cafeteria and my ears are immediately filled with noise. I look up and all of dauntless have slowly looked in my direction.

The cafeteria is dead silent until the silence is broken by the one and only, Christina.


She comes running up to me and I hop out of tobias' arms to hug Chris.

She runs up to me and hugs me, surprisingly not to tight.

"I missed you Christina. I love you." I say between sobs.

"I love you too girly." she says between sobs also.

My mom comes running up to me and I let go of Christina, reaching my arms out to my mom.

"Mom..." I say and cry into her shoulder.

"I'm here sweetie. I missed you so much." she says while crying.

The whole group is now surrounding me and I give them all hugs.

"I missed you so much Trissy-poo!" Uriah says while spinning me around.

"I missed you too uri." I say while laughing.

We make our way to the table and sit down. Unfortunately the initiates are on the other side of the table.

"Why is everyone calling her tris?" Darren asks one of the other initiates.

"Because that's my name dumb-ass. Did you really think my mom named me six?" I but in.

"Well no....then why do you go by four and six?" He asks.

"Good question. So as I can tell, by now you should be in fear simulations. Correct?" I narrow my eyes at tobias and he nods.

"We go by the number of fears we have. He has four and I have six, the two lowest amounts of fears in dauntless. Now do you get it." I explain. Man initiates are question makers.

"So is tris a nickname?" Jace asks. He's pretty stupid for a former Erudite.

"No dip Jeanine. (see what I did there) Pavan, feel free to tell them who I am, I really don't care anymore."

I start eating my cake and everyone looks from Pavan to me.

"Tris, or Beatrice, is my sister. We both have the same mom and dad, but long story short, mom transfers back to dauntless with Tris and I and we all reunite." pavan says to everyone.

"Wait, so your beatrice prior. Whoa..." Darren says.

From then on I ignore everyone. I am really sick of the comments and stupid questions in hearing so I just toon them out.

I finish eating and grab my tray, getting up to throw it away.

"Where you going love?" Tobias asks.

"Just throwing my trash away. I'll be right back." I give him a peck on the lips and walk towards the trash can.

I throw away my trash. on my way back, I catch a glimpse of a person in the shadows. The only detail I really noticed were piercings in the face. But the person quickly disappeared into the shadows.

I just let it go, my mind is probably playing tricks with me, and go back to the table.

I sit down and try to communicate with everyone but I keep getting drawn back to my thoughts.

I just can't stop the feeling that I remember those piercing from somewhere.

And I can't shake that feeling.


Thanks for reading my fan fiction! So it's finally summer for me and I will probably update more often, which means full free to give me ideas so I can keep writing! Please like and comment as you please! Love you initiates!

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