Chapter 15

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Tris' POV

"Oh no," the blue eyed man says, "what's the last thing you remember?"

"I remember coming home from the aptitude test. I got sick." right as I say that, I think about the choosing ceremony.

"Mom! What about the choosing ceremony?! What if I can't choose?" I say and a worrisome look takes over her face.

"Honey, you chose two years ago." mom says.

That startles me. What did I choose? Why don't I remember?

I look back at the man with beautiful blue eyes and ask, "who are you?"

"I'm your husband." he says that and I see that his eyes are glassy.

"I'm married? What faction am I in?"

"Dauntless, we're considered dauntless prodigies."

Oh my gosh. I chose dauntless. I made it into dauntless?! I'm married, and at the age 18!All of these other thoughts spin around in my head.

"What did I rank?" I practically choke out.

"You ranked first."

I finally look at the man with blue eyes.i study his face.He is hot! What am I saying, I'm abnegation. No I'm not, I'm dauntless.

"Thanks." the man with blue eyes says. Did I say that out load?

He nods. I must have said that out load too.

"What's your name?"

He leans down to my ear and whispers, "tobias"

I feel like I recognize the name. But I don't know how. Everybody that I've overheard has been calling him four. He must want to keep his identity hidden, but why would he tell me then?

"I'm sorry, I don't remember you. I don't remember anyone but Mom and Caleb."

When I look at the man with blue eyes, his eyes are watering, which for some reason surprises me. He doesn't seem like one to cry.

Before I do anything Fou-Tobias is out in the hallway, rubbing his eyes on the way out. I can hear something against the other side of the wall, maybe he sat down against it.

I see my mom escort everyone but Caleb out and smile a little at me, before going out to Four's aid.

Last night I had a dream. Well, I'm not sure if it was a dream or a flashback. All I remember is looking in a mirror, a beautiful strapless white dress the reaches the floor on me. My makeup done subtly with my hair curled and put to the right side of my head, the braids giving me a shaved side look. There were girls in the background smiling like crazy with me, well, all except one. Now I just need to know if it's a memory or a dream.

"Beatrice?" I hear a voice and look to my right to find Caleb standing there in blue again.


"What are you thinking about?" He's curious, like an erudite... He must've chosen Erudite.

Before it gets to an awkward point, I clear my throat and speak. "I was thinking about a dream I had last night. I'm not sure if it is a flashback or not." He nods and comes to my bedside, sitting in the chair next to it.

"Maybe I can tell you. What was it?"

"I was in a room looking in the mirror with a gorgeous white dress on. We were all smiling and-"

"Describe the dress." He says and looks into my eyes with curiosity.

"It was strapless with jewels leading to a ruffled area that was connected by a cluster of diamonds. It had a heart shaped neckline and went to the floor, hugging my curves until near the knees where it flared out onto the floor."

He smiles a little and nods, looking down. "It was your wedding dress. I remember seeing it when I showed up at the wedding. It was a beautiful dress on you, even though I didn't exactly approve of the strapless part."

This makes me smile, knowing that he likes my husband, from what I can tell. I may not know my husband at the moment, but I like the thought of it.

"Do you like Four?" I ask and he looks into my eyes again, he smile dropping

"Eh..." He says and my smile drops.

Well, we all know who will need a good mind changing. I obviously married this man for a reason.


Caleb left about a half an hour ago, and I've been in this hospital bed, waiting for someone to keep me company.

I fiddle with my fingers until I hear the door open and find Tobias standing there with a laptop behind his back. His eyes are slightly red but he had a smile on his face.

"I made something, I want you to know about us. So I'm hoping this will trigger some memories." Before I can respond, he puts the laptop on my side table rolly thingy and types a few things, making a video pop up and start playing before my eyes.

First I see a girl, she just fell into the net. A man with his back facing the camera helps her out, and I just now realize that I'm the girl and the man is four. Perhaps he got the video footage from a security camera. It merged into the next video, I'm getting on a sling, the ground below me a hundred feet down. Some boys push me and I go flying on a wire, screaming with joy. Zip lining. I remember that! When I went with uri and Zeke, leaving Christina and every other one of my friends behind to do there thing. Next I see me in a room with punching bags and mats everywhere, but I'm throwing a knife. It hits the board and this triggers a memory, training. Next is about a year later, four and I are training the next batch of initiates together. But I don't have a ring on my finger, so I guess that happens later. Right on queue, I see four and I holding hands, saying our vows before sealing our marriage with a kiss. In the corner of the screen, I see my dad with a disgusted look on his face that he's trying to hide, which makes me laugh a little. Next is of four and I doing random things around dauntless. Images pass and go slow enough that I can see it, but fast enough that I have only about two seconds to see the picture before. It slows down when it gets to what I think is last night. Marcus has come in and punches me on the side of my head knocking me out. Within the video, I gained my memory. I somehow gained all my memory with one video.

"Tobias!" I whisper and smile, looking at him.

He smiles and kisses me right away, getting the signal that I remember.

I hold his neck and his arms are on my waist. We kiss until he pulls away just enough to graze my lips as he says, "I love you."

"I love you too."

"I love you three."

"I love you four."

"I know. I love you six." we are both grinning now.

"What happened to five?"

"Five always gets in the way."

I smile and kiss him again.

When I pull away Christina barges through the doors and bear hugs me.

"I thought you wouldn't remember anything!" She says.

"Don't worry, I remember perfectly."

My mom comes over and hugs me, and Caleb hugs me right after.

"You know, the first thing I thought when I saw you was, why are you wearing blue." I say to caleb.

He laughs and says, "I guess that was a surprising choice."


The doctor comes in.

"Tris, you can go once your ready."

"Thanks." more like THANK YOU! I hate the infirmiry! I can finally go home!

I get up, taking Tobias' hand in mine. we walk out together. while we are walking, I can't help but to think about how lucky I am to have this life.

When we get home, I snuggle into Tobias' bare chest, since he sleeps without a shirt, and fall asleep. tomorrow is going to be a long day.


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