Chapter 2

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( edited 8/14/18 )
Tobias' POV

We get to the job choosing ceremony and Tris sits next to Christina at the front of the line while I stand next to Eric and Max on the stage. I see Tris staring at me with her beautiful blue-grey eyes, and I barely manage to suppress a grin. Instead, I keep my instructor face on, but give her a slight nod. 

I look back out at the crowd once Max starts his speech. "Today our new Dauntless members are going to be choosing their jobs and receiving their apartment keys. They will write the job or jobs they want on the paper next to their name then walk to the table to the side of the stage to choose the apartment they would like. We will be starting with our first ranked initiate." 

Tris walks up to the stage and grabs the pen off of the table. Everyone is cheering around her as she writes down her chosen jobs next to her name on the paper. She sets down the pen and walks off the stage with a small smile on her face, and a hint of red on her cheeks. She makes her way to the table, and I watch her flip through the binder of pictures of available apartments. Uriah walks to the stage and the cheering picks back up.


Max steps to the middle of the stage and says, "New dauntless members, you will have tonight to gather all of your stuff from the dorms and move into your apartments. You will begin your jobs this coming Monday. In the meantime, get settled in." 

Max leaves the stage, and I follow him down the stairs. I make eye contact with Tris and twitch my head towards the exit. She nods at me, so I begin weaving through the crowd and stop at the opening of the exit. Tris makes it to me, and I simply grab her hand and pull her further away from the crowd. 

We are silent as we walk through the halls. It isn't an awkward silence though. I turn into a different hallway and she seems to understand where I am taking her, as her face lights up. I get to the net and turn towards Tris. I smirk a little and lift her onto the net by her waist. She lets out a laugh and rolls into the middle. I grab the edge of the net and boost myself in. We lay with our sides pressed together.

"This is nice." she sighs.

I look at her and her eyes are closed as she relaxes. I shift onto my side and rest my head on my hand, putting all of my weight onto my elbow that is resting on the net. She feels the movement and opens her eyes. I stare into her eyes and soon after my eyes find their way to her lips. I glance back at her eyes before I grab her cheek and press my lips to hers. Her hand grabs my bicep and she sighs against my lips. I immediately feel the heat radiating from her cheek on my hand. I grin into the kiss and rub small circles on her cheek with my thumb. Tris' hand runs down my arm and rests on the small of my back, which causes my breath to hitch. She grabs a fist full of my shirt underneath her hand and pushes me closer to her. I gently lick her bottom lip, but she reluctantly pulls back. I look into her eyes and smile softly. 

"I don't want to go too fast." she says with a small smile.

I rest my forehead on hers and nod.

"That's okay," I say, "I've already got my spot on the floor."

She laughs a little and nods her head, which causes me to smile. After a few minutes of laying on the net, we hear someone walk into the room. 

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you Tris." 

We both sit up in the net and see Christina.

"Uriah wanted me to let you know Zeke's throwing a party tonight and you're invited." she says, "He was going to tell you Four, but I guess I beat him to it."

"What time's it at?" Tris asks.

"It starts at eight, but we are going shopping, so I'm going to have to steal you. Sorry Four." Christina grins.

Tris groans, but gets up and ungracefully climbs over me before jumping off the net.

"I guess I'll see you tonight then." I say to Tris and wink when she looks at me.

She blushes and nods her head before walking off with Christina. As they leave, I watch Christina whisper something into Tris' ear that causes her to smile.

I lay back onto the net and let out a sigh. Hopefully Christina knows about Candor or Dauntless and helps Tris dress accordingly.

"What're you doing up there?" Zekes voice booms.

I look to my right and see Zeke tugging on the edge of the net with his fingers, and his face holds a confused expression. Christina and Will were the only people in our friend group that saw us kiss, so Zeke doesn't know about Tris and I. I decide that I probably shouldn't tell Zeke without making sure Tris is comfortable with it first.

"I'm laying down. Isn't it obvious?" I say with a straight face, but the sarcasm is evident in my voice.

"Ha," Zeke deadpans, "Anyways, I'm having a party tonight at eight, you better be there. It's not going to be a big party though, unlike usual." 

"I'll be there."

He smiles and nods his head before walking off. 

The next chapter will be Tris' POV!! Please vote and comment as you please. ( this is my first fan fiction, so don't judge if it's not perfect) thank you.


So any chapters after this may be confusing until they are updated because of the changes I am making so bear(bare?) with me. I know that the changes I'm making are going to drastically change parts of the book, but I think these changes are for the better. The book is going to be a lot more realistic than what my 7th grade self wrote. (The grammar will also be getting a LOT better!). Anyways, love you initiates!

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