Chapter 12

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Tris' POV

I wake up and realize we have to wake up the other faction people and the initiates.

"Hey Tobias, we need to wake up the initiates and other faction people."

"Ok, I'll wake up the faction people if you get the initiates."

"Alright, and while I'm at it, I'll get breakfast."

"Sounds good. Well, I'll go get dressed and you can shower, I showered last night. once your done, meet me at the training room. I love you."

"Ok, I love you too."

"I love you three."

"I love you four."

We grin and share a long kiss then he leaves and I get into the shower.



All of the initiates groan but get up anyways.

I head to the training room to see all of the other faction people sitting in chairs around the room.

I'm about to say something when the initiates run in.

"Ok guys, we are going to practice shooting guns. after lunch you will be throwing knives. Be prepared to use punching bags and fight tomorrow."

We give each of them a gun and they go to the targets.

They all start and almost all hit the center part. The other factions gasp and whisper to each-other.

About an hour later we let everyone go to lunch. the other faction people follow Tobias and I to our table, they are going to have so much fun. hint the sarcasm.


"Hey guys." I say while sitting down.

"Hey, who's the others?"

"People from other factions, they be here for the whole month."

"Oh, ok."

Christina then walks in, she looks kind of mad. oh no! The party was last night!!!


"Oh my gosh! I forgot Christina,I'm really sorry, is there another one tonight?"

"It's fine, and yes there is a party tonight. Your'e coming to this one!"

"Okay, I promise. we can go shopping after training if you want."

"Of course I want! I'll pick you up."

"Ok. Anything new with you and will?" I say.

She raises her hand, showing a ring!

"Oh my gosh! He proposed!" I yell, everyone is looking at our table now.

"Yes! At the party!"

"I wish I remembered to go! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you! I'm happy for me too!"


Tobias' POV

We finish lunch so I get up on the table, I get glares from Some of the other faction people at our table with us and I yell,

"Initiates! It's time to get back to training"

The initiates, tris, the faction visitors and I get up and leave.

"Ok, we are now going to show you knife throwing, and some bravery added. six, take the lead." I say.

Tris walks up to the target and the faction people gasp.

"This may have happened three other times four, but I will still get you back if you knick my ear again." tris says, she seems to be bluffing, but I'm not sure. Eh, I'll take a risk.

I throw the first one about a foot away from her left thigh. The next one lands about half a foot away from her right arm. The next one a few inches above her head, and the last one Knicks her right ear, every time.

"Watch out four! I'm going to get you!" Tris says grinning, then giggling.

I actually grin a little too.

"GUYS! LOOK, SIX MADE FOUR SMILE! I DIDN'T KNOW THAT WAS EVEN POSSIBLE!" Bailey yells, making everyone else laugh. ( a/n Bailey is one of the initiates)

I chuckle a little, tris is laughing pretty hard considering the fact that it wasn't even that funny. You can see a few tears role down her face. I guess she thought that it was that funny.

"What did you do to her! She's crying! I swear if you hurt her, I will kill you!" Caleb says, he is pretty dumb to be erudite. The last thing he says makes me burst into laughter though, the initiates and tris includes. Tris just laughs even harder then before.

"Calm down caleb, I'm just laughing to hard." Tris says.

"Alright guys, get to work!"

The initiates start and I walk over to tris.

"So, I guess you have to get me back now."

"Yep, but first, I have something else I need to do." she smiles and kisses me.

I put my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me. she puts her arms around my neck. we keep kissing until I feel a burst of cold. Tris and I are soaked. I turn around to see Lynn, Uriah, and Zeke holding a bucket laughing there heads off.

"NO..... NO PDA!" Uriah manages to get out between laughs.

"We're going to get you for this!" Tris and I say at the same time. We look at each-other and laugh.

Zeke and Uriah now look a little scared and stopped laughing. Lynn doesn't care, she's still laughing her head off.

"Haha, I know it's just hilarious!" I say with sarcasm.

"Yep!" Lynn says.

"Oh you'll see what you get." tris says.

This is gonna be great.


How was it! Next chapter will be the party! Comment any suggestions or characters for the book and I'll see if I can make it happen!love you initiates!

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