Chapter 33

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Tobias' POV

My knees buckle and I kneel on the floor in the middle of the hallway.

Doctors and nurses are rushing around me but I can't hear anything. My eyes are blurry with tears and I just kneel there. waiting.

If I loose either of them I would probably end up killing myself to be with them. they are my life. Tris and the baby.

I sit there for I don't know how long but it all seems to go in slow motion.

Doctors. Wheeling machines in and out of her room. Nurses grabbing things and running into the room.

I am startled from my train of thought by a sound.

This is the only sound that woke me from my thoughts. The beeping from a heart monitor.

It came so abruptly that it almost startled me.

I stand up right away and a doctor tells me I can see her in a few hours, since she just came back to life.

The thought of her dying brings tears to my eyes but then I think, 'she's alive.'

The doctors still don't know if her and the baby are ok but they are alive, which is really what matters.

I get up silently and walk back to the cafeteria to grab Zeke and the initiates.

I really don't want to train them but I have to. I just want tris to stand next to me, training with me. But that can't happen.

I go in and right away Christina runs to me and engulfs me in a hug.

I'm startled at first but hug her back.

"I heard what happened. Is she ok? Please say they brought her back, I can't lose my best friend." She says crying and looking at me.

I nod towards the table with our group so I don't have to tell the story more than once and we walk over and sit down.

Everyone looks at me with tears in their eyes.

"Tris is back don't know if her or the baby will be alright. They never knew in the first place but it's worse now." I explain.

I'm now crying but I don't care. We are in the cafeteria for all factions since we are all in erudite. I really need to get back to the initiates.

I get up and head towards the train with uriah and Christina.

"Four, she's gonna make it. If not for herself, it'll be for you and the baby." Christina says.

"But what if she doesn't? My life will have no more meaning."

I put my hands on my neck and look down. I want to cry but I cant, we are getting the initiates.

Uriah pats my back and gives me a sympathetic smile.

I smile a small fake smile and then we jump onto the train.


"Alright initiates! We will be training together today. Everyone go to a punching bag while Four shows you how to punch correctly. And dauntless borns, don't get cocky and not pay attention because we all know you need the help!" Uriah yells.

I can't help but grin a little. Through all the pain, uriah can still make me smile.

I go to a punching bag and everyone watches me as I prepare to punch it.

I don't realize how many emotions I've been holding in but it was a lot because when I punch it it breaks and falls to the ground, skidding a little on the ground.

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