Chapter 14: You're Invited

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I'm frozen in place as my ex saunters over to me. I forget how to breathe.

The boy who had been haunting my thoughts was standing in front of me. And he's not a figment of my imagination anymore.

Why does life hate me?

"Evening, gorgeous." Malik's voice snakes around me.

I suppress the shiver wanting to make an appearance. Where was Ace? Where was Evie? Or Archer? Or anyone?

My heart beat picks up and I want to cry right here. Malik and I are alone and I'm panicking. Last time we were alone...

"It's good you finally showed up," Malik's dark eyes look me up and down, "I was looking for you."

"Why?" My answer is short. Quiet.

"Why do you think?"

I feel like I'm going to throw up. I have to get out of here. I go to push by him and his cold hand grabs my arm. I flinch at his touch.

"Ah ah ah . Where do you think you're going? I wasn't done with you." Malik's silky voice says in my ear.

I wince. I find enough strength to snatch my arm back. It makes me feel a little more in control.

"What do you want?" I bite out.

"I think you know what I want." His eyes flash with hunger and I take a step back. "But sadly that's not why I'm here... unless?"

"Fuck off, Malik. Why are you here?"

"Awe, I love it when you curse me." Malik chuckles darkly.

I need to get out. Out. Out. Out.

"You are disgusting. Get off my property." My voice sounds a lot stronger than I feel.

"It won't be your property for much longer, will it, Autumn?" Malik's lip turns up in his attempt at a smirk.

I don't answer. He know exactly what to say to get under my skin.

"Oh come on. Do you really think your pathetic fundraisers are going to do anything?" Malik taunts.

"How do you know about the fundraisers?" The shock overtakes my fear for a moment.

"I have my sources, hot stuff." He eyes the envelope in my hand and my grip tightens.

Not like he needs the money.

"Fine. Don't tell me. I don't care. Just get the hell off my property." Ignore his gross comment.

"But I'm not finished."

"Yes, you are. You heard her, Malik, get off her property." A voice sounds from behind me and my ex's head snaps up.

I would know that voice in my sleep. Archer freaking Campbell to my rescue. I relax slightly when I feel him stand next to me. I don't take my eyes off Malik.

"Archer, my man. How's it going? Long time no see." Malik's tone lightens.

"Piss off, you fuck. We aren't friends anymore." Archer's voice is dead serious and Malik's eyes widen slightly.

"Well, good to know." My ex shrugs. "Anyways, I'll just say what I came here to say in the first place." Malik trails off.

"Spit it out, fuckhead, and scram." Dax's voice sounds from behind me.

I feel him stand on the other side of me. I relax even more. Malik wouldn't dare touch me with my boys right beside me. Suck it, dipshit.

"No need to get all feisty." Malik chuckles despite the glares we are giving him. "I was just inviting you and the gang to the bush party Camp Wilderman is throwing tomorrow night. Usual time and place. We thought it would be good to see y'all again." He says as if we are great friends.

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