Chapter 23 : Sister, Dear

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We are sitting around the Dam when a high pitched squeal sounds from behind us. Two seconds later, slim, tanned arms wrap around Ace's neck.


Ace's eyes go wide and he turns around. Standing behind him is a girl. She's younger but I could see the resemblance to my boyfriend. They have the same stormy eyes and dark brown hair. Even their noses have the same curve.

I instantly know who it is. Aria Beckett has a arrived.

"Thumper!" Ace chuckles and stands up from the picnic table we are sitting at.

He towers over his sister - which isn't a surprise since he towers over everyone - and leans down to hug her. Judging by the fact that I know exactly where my eyes line up on Ace's chest, I would say Aria is only an inch or two shorter than me. It makes sense, Ace said that she was a volleyball player too. Key word: was.

I pang of sorrow ripples through me when I glance down at Aria's leg. Two long scars go along her leg, one on the outside and the other on her inner side. The outer one is slightly longer, running from the edge of her shorts to halfway down her shin. The inner one starts at the same place but ends just above the knee.

I tear my eyes away, not wanting her to catch me staring. I bet she wouldn't appreciate it. Instead, I turn my attention to Ace who has shifted closer to the table to introduce everyone.

"Everyone, this is Aria, my sister." Ace gestures to her. She waves shyly back. "This is Archer, Dax, Evelyn, and Charlotte." He points to each person respectively. Then walks around the table to put his warm hands on my shoulders. "And this is Autumn. My girlfriend." I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Girlfriend?!" Aria squeaks with wide eyes. "You did not tell me you had a girlfriend." She crosses her arms and glares above me.

I can feel Ace laughing behind me. "It was a surprise."

"Surprise, my ass. You just didn't tell me."

I stifle a laugh. I loved her already.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Ace says.

Aria rubs her leg absently then sits down across from me. Out of the corner of my eyes I see my friends glancing at the scars. No one says anything but I know they are curious. Ace hasn't told anyone but me about his family. I'm special like that.

Aria gives me a large smile and holds out her hand.

"I'm Aria."

"Autumn." I shake her hand - just as warm as her brothers. Hot blood must run in the family.

Aria turns to the others and shakes their hands as well. Her gaze travels back to me.

"So what did Ace use as leverage against you?"

I raise my eyebrows, confused by the question.

She giggles at my expression, "I mean, come on. There is no way my brother could pull someone as pretty as you."

"Hey!" Ace says in protest.

A blush creeps it's way to my face. "I-um. Thanks."

"Of course." Aria turns to the others happily. "So what can we do around here that's fun?"

"Swimming." Archer grins, looking up at the sun.

A dip in the lake sounded amazing.

"I'm in." Aria says. "I got my suit and towel in my car. Autumn, wanna come grab it with me?"

Shocked by the offer, I hesitate. "Oh yes. Yes. For sure."

God, I have no idea why I was being so nervous. I guess it's because Aria is the first family member I've met since Ace and I got together.

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