Chapter 34 : The Showers

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The next week passes quickly, our days filled with games, food, and laughter. The campers have started to mingle together better and the next time we have a chicken fight Emma is on Connor's shoulders while Dani gets partnered with James. Ace and I come out victorious once again.

The only problem this time is Archer pulls a muscle in his neck.

"See! I can't even turn my head- Ouch!" Archer is currently complaining about his stiff neck, and ice pack placed on it.

I look at the ice pack and laugh. I haven't had to use one of those for the past couple days, the swelling gone from my eye. A light bruise still lingers but other than that, it is gone.

"Stop moving, Arch! You're going to hurt it more." Evie chides and slaps his shoulder.

"Alright, alright." He pouts, "it still hurts though."

"We know, man. You've mentioned." Dax rolls his eyes and pats him on the back.

The campers had gone to bed early today, tuckered out from the day at the beach. The six of us took advantage of this and stayed behind at the fire. The sun had set about an hour ago making it only around 11:00.

"I'm going to shower. I haven't in a couple days." I say to the group and stand up from my place.

Everyone nods and bids me goodbye. I walk down the path to the Beaver Cabin and sneak in the door. I quietly gather my things and head back out the door.

I walk to the showers and open the door. I'm blasted with left over heat from the day. I take a breath and start the process of showering.

I hang my clothes and towel on the hooks just outside the stall then place my soaps on the floor. I sigh loudly, my voice echoing off the walls.

I undress and throw my dirty clothes into a pile in the corner. I turn the shower on and let it beat up. The bonus of showering this late? Warm water. I should do this every night, I think to myself absently.

I step into the shower and warm water hits my skin. I start washing my hair, soap bubbling between my fingers. I throw my head back, closing my eyes, to start rinsing the soap out of my hair.

The sound of the door opening make my eyes fly open. I quickly make sure the curtain is closed on my stalk then continue my rinse-job.

The sound of a curtain ruffling makes me open my eyes once again.

I yelp loudly when I find Ace standing just outside my stall.

I all but scream, "Holy shit, Ace! You scared the fuck outta me."

He bursts out laughing. I roll my eyes and continue my shower. After all, it's nothing he hasn't seen before.

Multiple times. Ace has taken a liking to doing ... things ... late at night. His truck is usually the place.

"Sorry, Tuffs." Ace says, totally not sorry.

I finish rinsing the shampoo out of my hair then watch as he takes his shirt off. Water from the shower head sprinkles in his chest then he leans down and takes his shorts off.

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