Chapter 33 : Beach Bums

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Three days into the Old Timers' stay, the hottest day of summer arrives.

I'm talking; you can't even move without sweating.

I'm talking; you can barely breathe without setting your lungs on fire.

Usually I like the heat... not today, folks.

"I'm literally going to melt on the spot," Graysen says dramatically.

A chorus of agreement rises up within the group.

"Can we go to the lake?" Aimee suggests.

"Yes! Please!" Peyton agrees.

And good God, so do I.

When we arrive at the docks we waste no time stripping down to our suits and hitting the water. And by 'we', I mean literally everyone. There is no sun bathing today, only swimming.

Saddest part? The lake isn't even that cold. Being that it is August, I'm not surprised but I was really hoping for some really cold water but no, we get medium-cold water. I don't even know if that's a thing but we are going with that description. You guys get it.

For the first hour in the water everyone just wades around, enjoying the water to cool down. There is some splashing involved but nothing too dramatic.

It's when Claire and Peyton suggest a chicken fight that everyone starts moving. We team up quickly.

The campers split into pairs, the boys sticking with the boys, girls sticking with the girls. Weird. Usually there is some intermingling but that is tomorrow's problem. Right now, I'm focused on the fight.

I turn to Ace, "You sure I can get on your shoulders? I don't want to mess anything up."

Ace rolls his eyes and moves closer to me, his stomach muscles rippling with the movement. I bite my tongue to get my eyes to move away.

Stupid brain, not the time. We have a game to win.

"Oh c'mon, Tuffs, get your pretty ass up here." Ace grins then ducks under the water.

I laugh then wrap my legs around his big shoulders. He stands up with ease and faces the rest of our competitors.

"Ready?" Archer calls out from under Evie.

"Go!" Aimee shouts, carrying Alex on her shoulders.

Ace moves us in and I start shoving. No mercy here.

I take down Sam on Phillip first, then turn around to push Emma off of Dani's shoulders. I fend off an attack from Charlotte, sending her into the water, Dax laughing from underneath the whole time.

I watch as Evelyn takes on Connor from James' shoulders. The fight lasts longer than usual but the Counsellors come out on top and Connor goes sliding into the water.

I turn back to the middle to find four teams left. Claire and Peyton fight Graysen and Emily. They battle each other until they both go down simultaneously.

And then there were two.

Ace turns me towards our last competitor; Evie and Archer.

I take hold of her arms and start shoving while our boys attack each other from the bottom. I definitely have a size advantage and I use that to its full potential.

"Come on, Tuffs! You got this!" Ace shouts from under me and I get a burst of energy.

I twist my arms and send Evie into the water. I throw my hands up victoriously and the campers cheer.

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