Chapter 41 : Our Hill

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The six of us jump out of the car and start our walk to Camp Wilderman's front office. I am holding the letter, declining Steven Davis' claim on our camp. Together, me and my Counsellors make our way down the path.

I am not alone this time.

When we get to the front office, we burst through the doors, not bothering to be careful or respectful. I slam my fist down on the front desk and demand to see Mr. Davis. The secretary glares at us but sends us to his office. He turns around in his chair when we enter.

"Miss Tuffins, how wonderful to see you. I hear you have something for me." He says confidently but his eyes give away his wariness.

"Mr. Davis." I say, walking forward, "Here is a letter straight from the heart of Beaver Falls. Good luck next year, we'll be seeing you around."

I slam the letter down on his desk, turn around, and stalk out of the room. My friends are on my heels as I walk out of the office. When I get outside, I flip off the building and continue my walk back to the parking lot.

When we get in the car again, I exhale loudly.

"We did it." Evie grins.

"We did." I nod, smiling back at her.

There are some perks with having a rich boyfriend.

The first is, he spoils you.

The second is, he has connections.

And that's why we have two teams of construction workers already rebuilding the cabins during the next week. Somehow, Ace's family knows a builder or something and they hired them to rebuild the cabins. Bossman and I didn't complain. The faster we get the camp back to normal the better.

The Old Timers are gone for the season, I think all of them are planning on coming back next year. Or at least stopping by for a visit. I'll miss them until then, they were the best group of campers we've had in a while. Too bad I won't be a Counsellor next year but I guess it's time to pass on the torch. I've had a good run. We all have.

I watch the construction workers absently, my fingers intertwined with Ace's . Evelyn and Archer sit beside us, their heads together. Dax is off somewhere with his boyfriend, who we were all excited to see again. Charlotte is currently sitting behind the four of us, staring blankly at the workers.

"I need a boyfriend." Lottie groans, "Or a girlfriend. Or both."

"Yeah?" I giggle, looking back at her.

"Yeah. I'm done seventh wheeling with everyone." She rolls her eyes, then stretches her arms above her head, yawning. "On second thought? I might actually want a nap."

We all snicker at her and she just grins, looking tired. We have all been working pretty hard since the cabins have burnt down. It's also the end of the season which means extra cleaning too. But we've been taking our time, doing things at a leisurely pace.

I hear a rustling sound, some swearing, and the sound of metal hitting a tree. I frown, turning around.

"Hi, guys." Aria beams at us.

Shock ripples through my body. Aria is here. What is she doing here?

Aria stand there with crutches under her armpits and a cast on her scarred leg. Small bandages dot her other leg but nothing terrible.

"Thumper? What the hell are you doing here?" Ace chuckles, standing up to greet his sister.

"I had a job interview." Aria winks, balancing on one leg to hug her brother.

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