Chapter 38 : White

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I wake up to white.

White walls.

White floors.

White sheets, pillow, clothing.


The only colour in the room is the dark shape huddled in the corner. Dark brown hair, black shorts, black hoodie.

I take a few breaths, testing my lungs.

My throat is sore, my eyes dry.

I think back to what happened.

Then I realize I don't remember.

Confused, I look at myself - or at least what I can see and feel.

And IV is attached to my hand, which is attacked to my wrists and forearms, both are wrapped in cotton gauze. My eyes trail down my body and I find nothing else out of the ordinary. I bring my sore hand up to my face and feel around gently.

I feel stitches near my eyebrow and tubes coming from my nose. Oxygen, if I had to guess.

My entire body aches, but it's a dim ache. Almost as if something is trying to numb it. Then I realize that's exactly what is happening, I'm drugged up to dull the pain.

And then my memories come back.

The fire. Aria. The log.

How the hell am I alive right now?

I groan and shift in my bed, awakening the figure in the corner. His head snaps up and I'm met with stormy blue eyes.


"You're awake."

I nod.

"You're alive."

"I sure hope so." I say, moving my arms slowly.

Ace lets out a chuckle of disbelief. "I'll go get your mom. And the nurses." He stands up abruptly.

"Wait! Just... stay. For a moment." I say, settling myself back down into the hospital bed.

Ace pauses then nods. He head back over to my bedside.

"What happened? Is Aria okay? Where's my dad? Did all the other campers make it out? How many cabins caught fire?" My rapidly fire my questions out, not being able to stop them.

Ace doesn't answer at first and I'm left in silence. My eyes a droopy and I'm feeling tired once again.

Before I know it, my eyes are closing. I take a deep breath but break off coughing. Ace's hands are on my back within seconds. My chest convulses and I grit my teeth.

"Are you okay, Tuffs?" Ace is rubbing my shoulders.

I nod weakly and he helps me lay back down.

"Let me go get the nurse and then I'll answer all your questions." He insists.

I'm too tired to argue so I nod my head.

I watch him walk out the door through slits in my eyes. Within seconds I'm falling asleep again.

I'm not awake when the nurse comes back.

I wake again but I'm not sure when. This time, my mom is in the room.

I lift my arm in a small wave and her head snaps up. She smiles largely, and I grin in return.

"I'm so glad you are okay, baby." My mom jumps out of her chair and basically runs over to the bedside.

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