Chapter Five Don't Even know his last name

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The one person who had helped him the most, was walking out of his life forever....what the hell was he thinking. Last night had been incredible he had to stop her , get her numbe rdammit her whole name. He had to catch he.Rrunning for the door he looked down the hall realizing all he had on was pajama bottoms. "Shit" He had to the call the lobby maybe they could stop her, reaching for the phone he called the operator. " Yes can I help you Mr Dela Cruz?"

" I need to catch a friend of mine before they leave. "

"Ok let me get the reception desk ..Ok who is this person?"

"Her name is Alyssa she 's wearing white jeans red halter"

"You got that Jack, wait ok, sir she's already left out, she got a cab she's gone. Im sorry is there anything else I can help you with."

"No." He said replacing the phone to its setting. She was gone forever. He walked to the window looking down at the ant size people. Alyssa was gone

"No luck." Marco said as he followed his brother out of club.

"No, I wish I knew her last name then I would have something to go on." Julian stopped and turned when he noticed that his brother wasn't beside him he was standing in the middle of the sidewalk laughing. "What's so funny?"

"I can't believe you."

Julian looked at his brother quizzically raising his hands to his in the air."What?"

"I can't believe that we are still here in Philadelpha and you're looking for a girl you know nothing about, after just being jilted by Susan."

"Yeah, so." Julian shook his head.

" Either you're suffering from a nervous breakdown or this girl has your nose wide open man."

"No it's not like that." Julian denied. He couldn't explain exactly what was going on he just knew he needed to find Alyssa.

"Then explain to me what's going on here?" Marco stood looking at his brother.

"To tell you the truth I don't know, she did something to me."

"Yeah, I know but it's time to go home."

"I just wish I hadn't let her go."

" It's a done deal man it's time to move on." Marco said. He was amazed and shocked his brother's fiancé had just ditched him yet he was looking for a girl that he had a one night stand with.

Victor watched from the window of the club as the two men walked down the street he would never tell them how to reach Alyssa after all she left without giving him his dance that bitch.

Alyssa watched as her doctor since birth entered the room. Dr Ann Howard was a short petitie brown skinned woman who didn't tolerate nonsence she was her mother's friend since college so she was affectionally known as Aunt Ann. She had seen her through her toughs times in life she was always straight forward and to the point. As usual she had on a white lab coat her hair up in a tight bun and glass perched on the tip of her nose as she looked over her file .

"Hello Alyssa."

"Hello Aunt Ann. " Alyssa watched the woman place the file on the counter put on a pair of latex gloves.

" So you've been feeling nausea and tired? I can tell you now you don't have a virus or a STD, your urine test was positive your pregnant dear."

Alyssa looked at her, like she had grown a second head. As she jestured for her to lie back on the exam table. "I m pregnant."

"Alyssa you should have been using a condom." Her Aunt stated as she performed her exam.


"No butts, you need to see an obstetrician ASAP so that they can do an ultra sound to determine your due date."

"I can't believe this."

Alyssa watch as her Aunt took her gloves off then go to wash her hands as she prepared to exit. " Congratulations, believe it or not, you 're about to be a mom Ginna's going to be a grandmom I can't wait for you to tell her ." Alyssa's stomach clenched as she thought about what she would say to her parents. The tears sprang to her eyes her aunt grabbed her in a tight hug..

"It's going to be ok just wait and see you have some important decisions to make for you and the baby but it will work out for the best. Gianna and Cameron will love you no matter what and they'll love this baby too, that's if you keep it."

Just as she had started regaining her parents confidence, this. What would they think of her and to make matters worse she didn't even know how to reach Julian to tell him who the hell was he really? Only the man, who had haunted, her thoughts, and dreams since they meet. Her life was a mess where were Donna and Trey when she needed them? Moreover, the press if they got wind of any kind of pregnancy they would be back to hounding her and that couldn't happen not now. An a abortion was totally not an option although this baby was an accident she couldn't think of aborting it when she could offer it so much, having a baby wouldn't stop her plans just slow them down a bit. So the biggest problem was her parents.


"Alyssa how could you be so irresponsible." Her mother said standing over her.

"Now Gianna, take it easy." Her father said taking a sigh of relief as is wife sat down.

"I'm sorry, Mom I didn't mean to get pregnant."

"What did the hell you think would happen if you fuck without protection." Gianna yelled.

Alyssa in her father's study trying not to cry..The last time she had sat across from her parents she had just got out of jail from a DUI this time felt no better then the last. She see the disappointment on both their faces.

"Alyssa we we'er so proud of you going away getting you degree and the job at Allure now that's all over unless you get an abortion."

Cameron Montgomery sat back in his leather chair safely behind his desk and watched his wife and daughter " So Alyssa what are your plans." He Asked.

Alyass looked over at her mother then back to her father. " I've decided to keep the baby."

"And the father what does he have to say." Her father asked.

"He doesn't know, daddy and I don't want him to find out."

"Alyssa raising a child with two parents is hard enough but by yourself."

"Mom, I know I have caused you two a lot of problems but I am older I'm twenty four not eighteen. "

"So you intend to keep working?"

"Yes, I can't stop now this is my dream job."

"How will we handle the press?" Her mother asked as she walked across the room sitting on the edge of her husbands desk.

She shook her head. "Daddy I don't want them hounding me I can't take it."

"We'll honey that's going to be hard once they get wind of this, there going to want to know who the father is just like us."

"It's complicated all I need is for you two to stand by me through this."

"Baby we'll both be here for you and our grand baby. We'll make plans for you to take a sabbatical in Europe, so from now on only loose clothing. This way when you start to show no one will notice." Her mother pointed.

"Now that we've decided how to handle that part I want to know who the father is Alyssa."

"Daddy his name is Julian that's all I know."

"The young man you where with in Philadelphia...and you don't know his last name?"


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