Chapter Fifteen

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The yacht was set to sail at seven pm all the guess had been asked to arrive by 3pm so they could be shown to their state rooms. Alyssa sat  quietly next to Julian in the limo..while he went over some business on the phone.  CJ sat opposite them playing his hand game while Dotty was reading the new addition of Rouge. They had spoken to Tonio earlier … no one had seen or heard from Austin since he had come to see her. Victor too had dropped off  the face of the earth..Those two together was scary.  With all this security she should feel safe but she keep getting these bad vibes.  Looking out the window as the rode down Ocean Drive to Miami port where the luxury yacht Yani was docked waiting for 150 of her father’s closes friends and family which now included the Delacruzes .  A fun filled  weekend celebrating his 65th birthday.  They were headed to the yacht that she had rented.  They were arriving  early so that she could make sure everything was in order before the guest arrived. Her father and mother were scheduled to arrive  just before they launched. As the limo stopped on the dock she noted the HAPPY BIRTHDAY BANNER attached to the upper deck railing. A armed security guard opened the door talking into a mouth piece, four guys in black Escalade behind them who  look like line backers for a football team came out. Julian clicked off his phone ..He had watched her the whole ride he knew she had a lot on her mind with Austin and his request for her to move to Miami..He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers. “It’s going to be alright baby stop worrying.”

“I’m ok.” She lied. She hadn’t mentioned the cryptic cell phone  call from Austin. While at her parents. She was freshing up in the bathroom when her phone rang. Hello Alyssa baby, miss me? I miss you just remember you are mine and I’m going to fuck you to death do we part, dead or alive you will be mine. Tell Cameron and Giana, I said hello.   while your visiting. Then the line went dead… She couldn’t stop his eerie words from replaying in her mind. Something was going on Julian knew by her faraway look stepping out first he  held  out his hand she instantly took it.  He pulled her into his embrace not caring that the paparazzi or anyone else could see she was his.. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

The worry in her hazel eyes bothered him. “I will later.” She turned to see CJ and Dotty. They all walked up the red carpet to the main level where she was greeted by Cynthia the party planner. from heaven as far as she was concern after the miracles she worked in three days .  A gorgeous blonde Amazon who  right now couldn’t keep her eyes off of Julian? she just couldn’t seem to help herself. Alyssa new Julian just looked good. Alyssa was determined to help her out. “Cynthia he is quiet handsome isn’t he.”  She leaned over and whispered. He’s mine but he has some really cute brothers.”

“They’re on the guest list even more handsome.”  Alyssa watched Cynthia cheeks change colors as she apologized.

 Dressed in all white she she changed into a sergeant in the military  as she gave out orders through her own head set and instantly their luggage was pickup and taken to their state rooms. “Ms Montgomery I’m ready when you are to go through everything with you.” She looked at Julian. “Go ahead we’ll go exploring. We’ll meet in state room ok.” He kissed lightly on the lips and then turned and walked off with CJ and Dotty.

“Ms Montgomery you got it going on, and you say the brothers are that good looking..No offense?”

“You’ll see tonight, I’ll introduce you personally. And please call me Alyssa.”

“Ok Alyssa this is the itinerary for the guess.”  Alyssa took the five page booklet that mapped out the whole weekend, from start to the finish with beach front party… “Follow me and you can see the decorations in the main dining hall and a look at the gift baskets.”  Cynthia looked at the guy in all black posted behind Alyssa. “Your bodyguard?” 

“Yes this is Douglas.”

“Ok then let’s get started.”They followed the itinerary straight through. Cynthia was worth every penny she cost. Walking with ease in her three inch heels. She went over ever detail. She made sure that the people on the guest list brought their invitations that had a special stamp for security purposes. They would be checked in on main level then walk over to the greeting salon for welcome aboard cocktails and orderves.  At eight the guest would travel up the winding staircase to the 2nd level dining room for a three course meal. A live band would be playing while dinner is served. After diner the party would begin open bars and music on each level.   

The two maids watched as Alyssa followed the party planner through the door.  Waiting to make their next move.

Alyssa arrived back at her stateroom to find Julian on conference call with his secretary.  She eased her heels off and walked across the room. She felt his eyes follow her. She reached her invisible  zipper on the back of her dress and released it. Sliding out of her dress she placed  it on the bed as she stretched bending forward then back. Julian felt his pants get tight in the crouch as he watched her move around the room in white lace bra and panties.  He couldn’t wait to . He reminded Lisa his secretary only to contact him if it was an emergency otherwise he wasn’t to be bothered until Monday as he clicked off . Standing he softly walked toward his prey that had her eyes closed. Alyssa felt his cool fingers around her waist. Pulling her close she could feel how much he wanted her . His fingers moving up her body sliding into bra pinching her nipple  he nibbled on her neck. His other  hand in her panties parting her folds as he slipped his fingers into her moist opening . Spreading her legs wider she allowed him to move deeper into her warmth. She shuddered as he rubbed her clit with thump and fingers worked in and out of her body. He carried to the edge of the bed pulled her panties down. Kissing his way down to her ass. Undoing his pants he pulled his dick out  sticking it in her hot  tight pussy. Today he wanted it slow. Pulling  out he left only tip of his head  in before easing slowly back down into her warmth.  He did this until she began begging for him to go harder and deeper.  His control was getting weaker ..Gripping her hips he swung her around until she bent forward hands on floor ass up. He went deep her  warm moisture covering him as  she screamed her release as he pumped hard until his own release shot deep into her body. Helping her up he carried her to the bed for a short nape before the party began.

Alyssa responded to the knock on the door.  Julian was in the shower.  She was dressed putting the finishing touches on her makeup. Her strapless black gown with a slit that ran up to her thigh showed off her toned legs accented by her black peep toe pumps. Her  black hair she wore down in soft curls. She felt sexy and in love.  

“Good evening Ms. Montgomery, I was told by Miss Silverman to come and escort you to the kitchen seems there is a change in the menu she would like to go over with you.”

“Ok just give me a minute.”

She walked back into the room to the bathroom just as Julian was stepping out. He gave a wolf whistle . “Wow is that all for me?”

Alyssa smiled. “Yes it is, but I have to go to  the kitchen Cynthia wants me.”

“Ok I’ll be ready by the time you get back.”

Alyssa noticed as she came out of the room Douglas was not outside the door. Maybe he had to go to the bathroom. She continued to follow the maid down the hall ..She was sure she had seen the woman some place before, she looked so familiar. The maid stopped . “Right here she directed her into a stateroom that was set up for staff. “Where is Cynthia?”

“I guess she’s still getting dressed.” The woman’s voice had changed from female to male. “Sweetie you don’t recognize me?” Alyssa backed up. “Victor.” She began to scream but a hand covered her mouth.

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