Chapter Four If It's Meant To Be

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Copyright © MarciN 2014

Alyssa opened her  sleepy eyes trying to focus, letting out a silent yawn she gathered her wits enough to realize that she was in unfamiliar surroundings. As the memories of the previous night started to become clear reality set in, she had slept with a stranger and his hand was now resting possessively on her breast . Turning her head on the pillow she was sharing she was intrigued by the handsome face of the man who was fast asleep next to her. Her Latin Lover looked just as good sleep as awake. I'm crazy she thought as she carefully removed his hand off her breast and slid off the bed  to the floor, carefully move so not to wake him. Stealing a sneak peak she watched him rollover on to his back. God it was a sin for a man to look that good.. The whole package was perfect from the black cruelly hair  to muscular body down to his ..OMG what the hell it was already wide awake.  Smiling to herself she sat on the floor she had all  that. The memory making her blush as she crawled around the bed until she felt safe enough to stand and quietly tip toe down the steps trying not to disturb her sleeping lover. She spotting her  things lying in a pile by the doorshe looked around the suite  she finally found the bathroom.   A quick tinkle and a bird bath she could escape.  The ring of her cell phone.  She jumped and nearly yelled as she quickly  started rummaging through her clutch to silence it, instantly recognizing her mother's number" she accepted the call. " Hello mother." She Whispered

" Where are you?" 

"Know where." She lied.   

" Okay so why didn't you answer your apartment phone all night? And why are you whispering?"

"I' am at a friend's and their sleeping."

"A girl or a guy friend?"

"What's the difference mother?"

" So your with a man."

" Yes, damn it mother I'm with a man."

"Watch your mouth, and who is he?"

" Mother he's nobody and I have to go ."

"He can't be nobody you slept with him young lady."


" Alyssa tell me you're being careful"

 "Yes mother, all the time?" Except for this time she thought to herself.

"I hope you're telling me the truth."

"Bye mother."

 "Alyssa are you sneaking out is that why you whispering...OMG haven't you learned anything?"

Clicking her phone off Alyssa scrambled into her clothes. Her mother was infuriating and demanding and she had no intention holding a conversation when she was trying to escape.  Her thoughts wondered back to the man she left lying in bed alone. She should let him know that she was leaving ,  her conflicting emotions had her head spinning  causing  a beginnings of a  headache . Her mind told her to just let it be, it was only a one night stand with a gorgeous guy but she felt guilty not letting him know she was leaving. She hated having a conscious. Taking one last look in the mirror she left the bathroom. Heading towards the door. 

"So your leaving without even saying goodbye? " 

Reluctantly, she turned. His sleep ruffled hair and morning whiskers and the bump hidden behind the towel was a huge turn on. This was bad. "I thought you were sleeping." Alyssa new that sounded lame. She could have woke him up even to say just goodbye. She was caught red handed making her escape and checking out the goodies. She knew her cheeks had to be red as hell.

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