Chapter Eleven

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Copyright © MarcyN 2013

Julian had picked them up precisely  at two in his BMW Z4 Rolster  …CJ  couldn’t wait to be on the road, it was apparent he and Julian both loved speed after they were in the car seat belts on CJ tried his best to encourage his dad to pick up speed. Finally arriving they pulled in behind a BMW, Hommer…and Range Rover. The drive way was beautiful with its multi color  cobble stones that lead to white mansion exotic flowers and a huge water fountain.

Two cocker spaniels  one brown and white the other black and white and brown  ran across the driveway barking. Alyssa watched as CJ jumped out of the car running for the two dogs…Julian came around and opened her door. The barking dogs must to have alerted his parents of their arrival because De La Cruzes where everywhere, his parents came out along with three brothers. He made the introductions instead of cold greeting they welcomed her with hugs and kisses like she was part of their family and in reality she now was a part of their family through her son who was enjoying all his new attention he was getting from his uncles and grandparents. Sonia surprised her by holding her hand has she lead the way through the house .

“I’m so happy to have  you and my grandson here.”  She stopped and gave her and unexpected hug tears in her eyes. Alyssa hugged her back. “I ‘m sorry that it took me so long.”

“Everyone has their reasons for the choices  they make. Let’s just enjoy the now. Today you have brought a new joy to my family..he is wonderful such a delight I look forward to spending many days with my grandson.” 

Julian came and stood beside Aylssa placing his hands on her shoulders. Sonia kissed her cheek and walked through to the patio with the rest of the family. They followed  sitting on a couch that was not occupied.

 Sonia watched her son , this woman was his even if she didn’t know it yet..the way he watched her and his tenderness despite …their differences  He had come by earlier to make sure that no one treat her with ill favor because of CJ….he was very adamant about it..De La Cruz men were patient and persistent…..

Julian lifted her hand to his lips. The feel of his lips  sent  chills  up her spine. He pulled her from chair.

“Take a walk with me.” She looked over to CJ he was in his own work all this new attention.

She new CJ he was in heaven with all his new toys his uncles had purchased.

“Your brothers will have him rotten.”

That’s what uncles do he responded.

“Where you going mom and dad?” CJ shouted.

“Where going inside you stay with you uncles.” Julian replied as he led Alyssa into the house. CJ didn’t look pleased but he obeyed his father as he sat back down with his uncles.

Alyssa also wondered where he was taking her as he led her through the foyer up spiral stairs to the second floor.  Beautiful floral arrangements adorned the hall as they walked until they reached a door. He stood to the side opening the door for her to enter. She stepped back in to the 90’s  as she entered the room posters of The Baywatch blondes adorned the walls along  with Michael Jordon and Ronaldo Nazario the Brazilian soccer player.. A Super Nintendo with hundreds of games sat under a big back TV…the room was well kept not a speck of dust.. The bed freshly made like the teenager who once lived there would return to this place frozen in time…

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