Chapter Two The Club

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Copyright © MarciN 2014

"Julian, where are you going?"  Julian dodged passed his mother as she tried to block him from leaving.   "Espere mi hijo."

"I'm leaving mother. There's nothing to wait for."

Walking through the church he wanted  distance between himself and everyone.   Emerging through the doors the first thing to greet him was the vintage Rolls Royce waiting outside with the Just Married sign on the back. Happily he ripped the sign to pieces throwing it to the ground.

Turning to get in the car he noticed his brothers  waiting at the door. "I need a fucking drink and bitch to help me fuck Susan out of my mind." No one said anything.

The driver held the door open as they all got in.  

"Where too fellas?" The driver asked.

"Far away from here." Julian responded grabbing a bottle of cognac from the bar. Twisting the top off, he tilted the bottle up to his mouth taking a long swig. The welcoming burn in his chest didn't stop his raging emotions.  He didn't care about anyone or anything at this moment. He just wanted to get drunk and possibly laid so that he could forget about the last twenty four hours. Shit he wanted to forget the last two years with that bitch.  Taking another swig he looked at his brothers not really wanting them there. "Why did you guys come, I don't need four baby sitters and I sure as hell don't need you guys sitting there watching me get drunk." No one spoke  their faces said it all.  Julian closed his eyes trying to clear my mind but he couldn't stop thinking of all the events that lead up to this day. The things he had over looked the unanswered calls, the missed dinners, the nights she claimed to be at her parents .All the lies.  He could feel their eyes on him. " That was some shit." Marco broke the silence.   Julian opened his eyes and looked over at him. " She did you a favor by leaving now before you two were husband and wife with kids."

" And that suppose to make me feel better. The bitch left me at the altar." 

" She's in love with someone else bro." Julian stared  at his little brother Lexi who never failed to amaze him because he never thought before he opened his big mouth like now.   

"Och!" Lexi yelled. Rubbing the arm his twin punched him in.

 "Let's just forget that I was suppose to get married today.  Let's just go have fun. I want to forget about the whole thing."

 "Excuse me fellas. If you guys don't mind? Can I make a suggestion."  Every stopped to listen to the voice coming  through the intercom. Since no one interrupted, the  voice  continued.   "Instead of driving to nowhere all night let me take you guys to Club Temptations." Julian felt the car stop. The black window retracted into a slot. He looked at  the driver a middle aged guy who resembled Danny Divito dressed in a black suit. "Hi guys. I'm Larry by the way.    It's a nice club, diverse crowd, beautiful women. Nice! I take a lot of my clients there."

"Okay. Let's go." Julian smiled and anyone who was in this car was going to or they could walk back to the hotel.   Tired of  the sympathetic  looks from my his brothers, along with my parents calling every five minutes driving him crazy he planned to ditch these his brothers and friend at the club.  Pressing the button on the door the window slid down he tossed his cell out. Smiling to himself he took another swig of cognac.

Twenty minutes later he was in the foyer of the club watching the ladies watch him and his entourage.   Larry had been right the club was packed with the ladies.  Everything a man could want was out tonight; it was a pool full of tits and ass. Now he needed to find the right one who would start the process of eradicating Susan from his thoughts. Straightening his jacket he fingered his fingers through his hair and walked into the crowd .. The women though beautiful had no appealed to him. So he continued walking knowing that his brothers were tagging along behind him. Heading up to the second level he felt a tug on his sleeve. He turned. "Hello handsome."  The pink nailed hand was attached to tall brown skin woman with pink hair big brown eyes and a wide smile. Definitely not his type yet  exactly what he might need.

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