Chapter Nine

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Copyright © MarcyN 2013

Julian was still looking at the picture of the little boy and Alyssa when his cell phone rang. Looking down at his phone he noticed that it was a private number. Sliding his finger over the screen . “Hello.” He waited for several seconds then he heard her voice.

“Hello Julian, it’s Alyssa.”

He felt ecstatic that she had called and nervous about what she was going to say.

“To what do I owe this call ?” He took a deep breath waiting for her to respond.

“ I need to talk to you about something important.” (Pause) “Can we meet somewhere?”

“Last night you where running from me today you want to meet up.  What for Alyssa?”

“Julian I know you’ve probably seen the news this morning or read the paper.”

“Yeah I have..So let’s cut through all the bullshit is he mine Alyssa?”


Hearing her actually admit the truth was a shock..He laid the phone down and stood up. Now he knew the truth what to do…He looked down at the phone. He could hear her asking it he was still there. He had a son that he didn’t know by a woman he had spent the last six years thinking about.

He lifted the phone “Yeah , I  here.”

“I’m sorry Julian.”

“This is really fucked up Alyssa after six years  and only because you were basically forced into telling me you come clean.”

“It’s not like that Julian.”

“Then explain to me why you this billionaire’s daughter just decided to exclude me from my son’s life.”

He sat down opposite waiting for her to answer. “ Alyssa when were you planning to tell me about CJ?”

She scrambled her brain for an answer but none came  she could hear the hurt in his voice cut through her soul. How could this man she only had a brief affair with have so much influence over her emotions. It was scary. How could she explain five years? “It was complicated.”

“Then uncomplicated it and help me understand why you would keep my son from me.”

. There was no explanation really..Her life had become consumed with the CJ the magazine and keeping her private life private... She hadn’t intentionally kept them apart…

“I was  scared.. and I didn’t want the press to find out and I had these big dreams of running my own magazine .”

“So you couldn’t take the time out of you busy life to locate me so that I could meet my son….is that what you’re saying.” The accusation in his voice caused fear to grip her.

“No…No .” She had to make him understand.  She needed to make him understand.

“Look we can handle this two ways …you and me or  lawyers.” He was angry as hell to think that he had been so happy to see her again and now …he wanted to choke the death out of her for keeping his son away from him..  He needed to step back for a second and get focused.  Over the last six years he had wondered what had happened to her after she left .. that day ..many nights he had woken up from erotic dreams of her.. to think she had  given  birth to his son …Another De La Cruz “I want to meet CJ today …I want to see my son.”

“You can’t expect me to just dump this on him Julian.”

“We can tell him together , but were going to tell him today….I lost to much time already..because of you busy schedule..”

“I’ll come by your house in couple hours.”

Like that, the phone went dead ..Her mother had been right..waiting had made things worst…  now she was back on the front page of the tabloids this time with her son and the man she spent six years avoiding.

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