Chapter twelve

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Alyssa  awoke with a smile on her face with the memory of the fantastic sex and the super kiss  Julian had given her before leaving last night.  Could she possibly be in love with Julian.

 Yesterday had been wonderful  Julian’s family had teased them through the whole meal which had surprised her to be the main meal of the day with three courses .. She was told by Sonia that it was traditional for dinner to be the lighter meal of the day. She had enjoyed  the tomato and avocado salad followed by Black beans an rice picadillo …CJ enjoyed the rice but picked the beans out just like his father..Stretching out she turned to look at the clock on the nightstand, It was eleven o ‘clock she hadn’t slept this late in a long time ..She felt refreshed and happy. Still Melanie should not have let her sleep that late she still had a magazine to run with a deadline approaching for the next issue she still had to put in finishing touches to articles  and check over all features with a conference call to her staff. Grabbing her silk robe she headed  downstairs.Walking through the villa to the kitchen she heard her CJ and a man’s  laughter than a loud splash. Maybe Julian came over to spend some time with CJ. She thought happily as she head toward the patio doors. Looking out she saw Dotty sitting in a lounge chair reading a magazine listening to her iPod.   CJ was playing with a ball in the pool as a man emerged. His milk chocolate skin glistening as droplets of water rolled off his broad muscular chest. She was surprised and angry to see Austin making himself at home.

“Good morning Alyssa.” He said sitting comfortably in a lounge.  Walking out on the patio forgotten was her short silky robe and her silk teddy that was underneath . “What the hell are you doing here?” She asked trying to keep Melanie and CJ from hearing  just how angry she was.

“It’s a pleasure to see you too darling.”He responded sarcastically. “Since you haven’t responded to any of my calls in two weeks. I thought I would just stop by..”

“We have nothing to talk about.”  Getting up from the lounge chair he stood over her his eyes covered by dark glasses.”

“Look!”  He gripped her arm and pulled her back into the house closing the patio doors . Stuggling to free herself from his grip she watched   as he turned the lock. “Get the hell off me!” She yelled, has he twisted her arm pulling her close. She squirmed in pain.

“Don’t you know we have unfinished business, you can’t just run away from me and think that it’s over. You owe me.” She felt unclean as he rubbed up against her body. Her robe and teddy now wet from his body.

“I don’t owe you anything.”

“You know you want me Alyssa stop lying  to yourself.” He was completely crazy thought.  How was she going to get away .

“You have truly lost your damn mind.” He forced her to kiss him holding her face as she continued to struggle for release.

“Am I interrupting something?”  Alyssa felt relief wash over her has Austin loosened his hold she was able to pull away turning she looked into a pair of accusing gray eyes. Julian looked angrily at both of them.

“Julian.” She said thankful that he was there.

She could feel the chill of his stare from across the room.

“I came to spend some time with CJ.” 

“Excuse me.” Austin interrupted, stepping forward. “I’m Austin Jackson.”  He held his hand out to Julian.

 Julian ignored the outstretched hand. He didn’t like the guy instantly not only because he had his hands on Alyssa. He just gave off bad vibes..He definitely would see that this guy stayed away from CJ even if he couldn’t keep him away from Alyssa. He could see Alyssa was acting nervous her clothes where damp from the embrace he had just witnessed. He was getting angrier by the minute..

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