Chapter Six

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Copyright © 2013 MarcyN

Present Day

Tiffany Montgomery maneuvered her way through the maze of flowers, candy and balloons that crowded the reception area of Rogue magazine heading for her sister's office. Walking past the secretary who knew better than to stop her she walked in.

"Alyssa ,what are we going to do about all those flowers in the reception? We're running out of space and they keep coming by the dozens?"

Alyssa looked up from computer at her younger sister Tiffany, who as usual she entered her office without knocking, "Give them to the staff or trash them. I don't care." She said. "I'm done with Austin Vorhees ." She didn't want anything from him ever again. He was a stinking ass cheater. The only thing she would like to do is cut his fucking dick off, and throw it to the dogs.

"Tell me what happened Alyssa?" Alyssa didn't want to get into the relationship problems with her sister right now it was too fresh and she was still very angry. "I don't want to talk about Austin now,I just want to go over the finale articles needed for this addition of the magazine. "Alyssa the stories all over the news everyone is saying that you caught Austin in a compromising position. You may as well tell me, you know someone's going to leak it to the press anyway. The whole world will know by tomorrow morning. "

Alyssa watched as her younger sister flop down making herself comfortable in the leather chair opposite her desk. "Tiffany, I don't want to talk about this now."

" We're sister's your suppose to tell me everything. I hate getting second hand news from reports." She pouted at Alyssa. " And daddy is going to flip once he gets wind this. You know how he hates negative publicity, and this is big for you. Wow,the last time you were in the news you were doing that reality show.."

"Please don't remind me, I would really like to forget that it ever happened." Alyssa stood and walked over to a screen that exhibited the upcoming issue of Rogue magazine.

"I really want to forget the whole relationship and act like it never happened.."

"We'll sister I don't think that's going to happen.."

Aylssa knew her sister was right, her father would want to know what happen with Austin he thought of the man like a son that's what made the situation more impossible to deal with. Her father had handpicked Austin for her and encouraged the relationship. Truthfully she had only dated Austin because her father wanted too. " Austin and I had a disagreement Tiffany.. I want to leave it at that do you understand.."

"I'll let it go then." Alyssa watch her sister hold her hands up in surrender...just has her mother walked in...

"Hello darlings. How are you?"

Alyssa watched her mother as she entered the office, like Tiffany, without any announcement. " Do I have a secretary and does anyone knock anymore." She yelled out to Darlene her secretary.

" I'm your mother, I don't have to knock and Darlene knows better than to get in my way." Gianna Montgomery said. " I just came by to check in on you two and how things are going." Gianna sat down next to Tiffiany. "Your reception area is really congested is someone trying to apologize." Her mother asked. Looking at her intently.

Alyssa knew when her mother was fishing for answers and today she wasn't biting. The subject of her and Austin was private and she was keeping it that way.

"Ok since you're trying to avoid my questions, let's get down to business you father's birthday is in two weeks I need to know that you each have completed the tasks assigned to you."

" We'll, the cotillion is booked the band is set to arrive that morning for set up. The caters have the menu we selected and I've picked up my dress. " Alyssa answered first.

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