Chapter Eight

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Copyright © MarcyN 2013

Dressed in black Armani from head to toe, Austin smiled and stepped into the gallery as the camera flashes went off simultaneously stopping briefly to smile he continued into the room looking around he noticed that it was filled with the rich and famous of Miami. He must hand it to Donna she knew how to throw a party...this lavish event had everyone out politians, actors you could smell the money in the room, unfortunately they were of little importance to him the only person he wanted to see was Alyssa his beautiful complicated wife to be. It was that she thought she could escape him by coming to Miami little did she know that he had her whole life on camera down to her bathroom shower. When her secrets came to surface she would surly coming running back to him and his arms would be wide. Looking over the crowd it was getting difficult to ignore the beautiful woman, they were making open passes at him. Taking liberties that decent women would be appauld at. Squezzing his ass and casual feeling his manhood as they walked past. He had to take a deep breath as some let their hands linger. He definitely needed to find Alyssa quickly or he might be tempted to bed one of these rich wenches who were checking him out surely they knew what a surpreme specimen of a man he was and was more than ready to oblige them perhaps in a bathroom or a closet. They would push up their thousand dollar gowns and let him pound them in the ass. Then walk away like it was a visit to the hair dresser. Ooh he was definitely going to get some booty tonight. Maybe he would take from Alyssa since she never offered. No that would have to wait to the wedding night when she's begging him to return her daddy's company, yeah soon everyone would know him as the man who snatched BNT inc. right out from under Cameron Montgomery. Smiling to himself Austin looked over the crowd in search of his Alyssa. She needed to be taught a lesson in obedience. He was not going to continue to put up with this behavior from her. She would see things his way or pay the consequence.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Austin turned and looked at the beautifully annoing Donna Greco. " Hello beautiful, I'm here because I need to speak to Aylssa, not that it's any of you business."

"We'll Alyssa doesn't want to see or speak to you after that shit in Atlanta. Your lucky you still have your damn job becau........He knew this one would talk shit grabbing her by the elbow he directed Donna to a corner out of site. Forcefully he turned her to face him.

"Get your hands off of me."Her struggles were useless he liked it when they fought.

Pushing her further into the corner passer byers would assume they were having a friendly converstation.

"Listen here you little slut, what goes on between me and Alyssa is no concern of yours, so keep your big mouth closed or I'll."

"You'll what?" The deep male voice came from behind him. Austin turned. "Oh I should have known you be here. Trevor."

"Yeah you should have, now let her out of the corner before I beat the shit out of you."

Austin held his hands up. "I was only asking Donna, where I could find Alyssa. "

Donna moved from the corner behind Trey.

"She left you asshole."Donna shouted.

"Now you need to leave too."

"I will when I'm ready. I know you wouldn't want to make a scene here, would you on your big night would you Donna?" Austin looked from Trevor to Donna. He watched as she whispered something to Trevor and they turned and walked away.

"I thought not." Austin smiled as he walked away taking a glass of champane that was offered by the many waiter.

"I thought you were staying in the ATL?" Victor materialized out of the crowd.

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